BSG people: prompt me!

Jul 20, 2008 17:56

Seriously: give me a Battlestar Galactica character/pairing and a word and I'll write you at least a drabble sometime this week. No repeats, please; but otherwise, anything goes--gen, het, slash, femmeslash.

[Explanation: for almost six months, Sam Anders had complete control of my muse. I've never had a character dig in like that. And I was happy as a clam. Then, one day, I woke up and he was gone. I don't know if it was my vague dissatisfaction with season four or just the cycle of things (maybe you can only obsess for so long?), but since I was feeling lost without Sam, I kind of stopped writing BSG altogether.

But I wanna get the BSG muse back, so I'd like to spend this week getting into that headspace again This is not one of those times I make a comment fic offer provisionally or else simply flake and don't follow through. I WILL write you at least 100 words. And, barring an absolute deluge of prompts, I'll have it done by the end of the week. So, help a girl out and toss a character/pairing and word my way?]

pellamerethiel: I haven't forgot I owe you some Lee/Sam. That's where I'm starting. :)

ETA: Pairings/characters so far: Lee/Sam, Kara/Sam, Helo, Racetrack, Sam/Leoben, Sam/Chief, Kara/Boomer, Kara/Showboat, Jean Barolay, Caprica, Kara & Dee, Helo/Lee, Caprica Six/D'Anna Biers, Lee/Leoben, Natalie/Sam


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