BSG in review, season two

Mar 30, 2008 15:00

Season two x 3, part two

Pegasus (2.10)

It was nice for at least a couple hours, right?

Dualla: Attention, unknown vessel: This is the Battlestar Galactica. Identify yourself, or we will fire upon you.
Gaeta: Range now 1,700, sir.
Fisk: (over radio) This is the battleship Pegasus to the ship claiming to be Galactica. Please respond.
Tigh: Pegasus, how could that be? The entire fleet was destroyed.
Adama: Give me direct contact. Pegasus, this is Galactica actual. Authenticate identity with recognition codes immediate
Dualla: Sir, I'm receiving Colonial recognition codes. They're authentic.
Cain: (over radio) Galactica, this is Pegasus actual.



#6: Oh, my god. My god, Gaius, it's me. Look at what they've done to her.


Court Martial Offense

Pilot: Pegasus, Raptor 923. We've cleared Galactica and are en route with prisoners and the body of Lieutenant Thorne. Eta to Pegasus, three minutes.


So much for the fleet getting back together…

Fisk: Admiral, Galactica is launching vipers and a raptor.
Cain: Commander, why are you launching vipers.
Adama: Please arrange for Chief Tyrol and Lieutenant Agathon to be handed over to my marines as soon as they arrive.
Cain: I don't take orders from you.
Adama: Call it whatever you like. I'm getting my men.

Resurrection Ship (2.11 and 2.12)


Baltar: What they did to you was evil. But I'm not one of them. You have to believe me. Things are going to get better for you. From this moment on. I promise.
Gina: I don't want things to get better. I want to die.
Baltar: But you know you can't die. You do know that, don't you? Your consciousness'll merely transfer and you'll wake up in another body.
Gina: Not if you destroy that.
She points to the recon photos.
Baltar: What, this-- this ship? Tell me. What's so important about this ship?


Starbuck and the Admiral

Cain: Stand at ease, lieutenant and come forward. Seems you've had quite a day. I'm promoting you to captain. I'm making you commander of the Pegasus air group.
Starbuck: You're promoting me?
Cain: I need a CAG with guts and initiative to plan and lead the attack on this fleet. Now, I thought Stinger was that man. But he managed to let captain Adama contact you and pull off that fly-by right under his nose, so, he's out.
Starbuck: And captain Adama, Sir?
Cain: Truth be told, I came this close to throwing him in the brig. But I couldn't exactly charge him and not you, so I just revoked his flight status.
Starbuck: I want him on my team, sir.
Cain: And do you always get what you want?
Starbuck: Most of the time...sir.
Cain: Good. Me, too.



Tyrol: You know, when we get outta here... I'm going to make some changes.
Helo: Yeah? Like what?
Tyrol: Me and Sharon. It's done. I mean, really done, I can't do it anymore. I mean don't get me wrong. LT, what we did, I would do again... in a heartbeat. But I've gotta let it go. I so thought I had let go.
Helo: Yeah...I know what you mean.
Tyrol: You?
Helo: Yeah, me. What? You think I don't have second thoughts sometimes? You think I don't wonder I'm losing my frakkin' mind? I'm in love a woman I know isn't a woman. I'm having a baby that's- that's what? Half machine?
Tyrol: You really do love her, don't you?
Helo: Yeah. Yes, I do. And I can't let go of it. But if you can... let it go.



Cain: You are to signal the marines to terminate Adama's command. Starting with Adama.
Adama: I want you to pull out your weapon... and shoot Admiral Cain in the head.



Adama: I've asked you here to find out why the Cylons hate us so much.
Boomer: I'm not sure I know how to answer that. I mean, hate might not be the right word.
Adama: I don't want to fence with you. I just want to know why.
Boomer: It's what you said at the ceremony before the attack when Galactica was being decommissioned. You gave a speech that sounded like it wasn't the one you prepared. You said that humanity was a flawed creation. And that people still kill one another for petty jealousy and greed. You said that humanity never asked itself why it deserved to survive. Maybe you don't.



Pegasus Tactical Officer: Captain Thrace is reporting massive detonations. The resurrection ship has been destroyed.



Cain: Frak you.
Gina: You're not my type.

Epiphanies (2.13)


Janik: But I am one of many! We have declared war against Galactica's armies of death! The Cylons aren't our true enemy! It's the military that refuses to negotiate! All we want is peace! Demand peace! Demand peace!



Adama: This is Admiral Adama. As you know, President Roslin has been aboard Galactica for the last few days. She's a fighter. But as of this moment, her prognosis is grave. I know that many of you believe in the power of prayer. If that is your way, then I urge you to pray for our President. As for the others, I hope you will join me in keeping her in our thoughts.


Helo: Admiral, please don't do this.
Adama: Stand down, everyone. Give me room. Think about what you're doing Helo. You're a soldier.
Helo: I'm a father, like you. Please, sir...give me a raptor, let me take her off the ship. I'll get her away from the fleet.
Adama: I can't do that, son.
Helo: Admiral, Admiral!
Baltar enters.
Adama: Doctor, get the hell outta here.
Baltar: Admiral, I must talk to you concerning the Cylon child. It seems I may have been...wrong. Very wrong. When I said that Dr. Cottle misinterpreted the fetal blood work-

. . . . .

Adama: What am I looking at?
Baltar: Nothing. That's the whole point. The cancer was gone and it was gone within a matter of hours.
Adama: Are you saying you found a cure for the President's cancer?

SNARK ALERT! You have been warned…

Black Market (2.14); Or, How to Do Noir Really Badly and Not Even Know You're Doing It

Meet the Whore

Apollo: Hey, hey. Hey, don't go.
Shevan: Sorry. I though you were still asleep.
Apollo: You should have kicked me out of bed an hour ago. If I hold up Galactica's raptor, Tigh'll have my ass.
Shevan: Which me both know currently belongs to me.


Meet her Poor Sick Daughter

Shevon: Have you seen all the new working girls outside? Lee, when your baby's crying because it's hungry, you'll do anything to make it stop.


Meet the Apparently Angelic Ex-Girlfriend We've Never Heard Of (who turns him into a big pile of woobie!Lee)

Shevon: Is that when you knew that you loved her?
Apollo: I thought so.
Shevon: But you hurt her.
Apollo: Yes.


Watch Lee Solve the Case and Deal Out Justice Via Gunslinging Badassery (against an honest-to-god(s) pimp, no less!)

Phelan: I made you a fair offer.
Apollo: So did I. Yeah, you're probably right about everything. You, me, Fisk. Nobody can stop it, and maybe nobody should. But it needs limits. There's lines you can't cross. And you crossed them.
Phelan: You're not gonna shoot. You're not like me. You're not gonna-- (Apollo shoots him in the chest) Uh-- uhhh.


Oh, the Drama! (But thank goodness she tied up the threads of the plot for us!)

Shevon: Stop! I can't be what you want me to be.
Apollo: I don't want you to be anything.
Shevon: You want me to be her. That's what this is about. That's what this has always been about.
Apollo: No...that's not what this has ever been about.
Shevon: Come on, Lee. I know my job. I'm a replacement.
Apollo: Hey.
Shevon: For a lot of things. Things that men can't get anywhere else. Things they've lost. She wanted to give you a child. But you were afraid, so you pushed her away and then you ran. And you didn't stop running until it was too late. Well, I'm not her! And Paya is not, and will never be, your child.


Scar (2.15)


Hotdog: Scar's the best they got. Lotta pilots die going after that bastard.
BB: Why do they call him Scar?
Kat: You'll find out soon enough. He's got a taste for nuggets. Easy pickings.



Starbuck: There is no us, all right? I just wanted a good lay. There is nothing here. Do you get that? Nothing.
Apollo: Sure.
Starbuck: My gods.
Apollo: Hey. Well, that's just great. Frak or fight, huh? Okay, maybe I am just a quick lay. But, Kara, I'm also your friend.
Starbuck: I am hung up on a dead guy, okay? And it is pissing me off. And I don't know what I'm doing.
Apollo: Anders, right? on Caprica, the resistance fighter.
Starbuck: Yeah, well, Samuel's dead so what does it matter?
Apollo: Oh, Kara please.
Starbuck: I don't need your pity, Lee!
Apollo: For once in your life-- you haven't got my pity! Listen, you are fine, you're fine with the dead guys. It's the living guys you can't deal with.



Kat: Yo, Starbuck! Hey, Starbuck! My cup runneth dry. Seems I recall someone boasting that my lips would never touch this rim.
Starbuck walks over, grudgingly, and pours Kat a drink into the ceremonial mug.
Starbuck: You earned it. To BB. Jo-Jo, Reilly, Beano, Dipper, Flattop, Chuckles, Jolly, Crashdown, Sheppard, Dash, Flyboy, Stepchild, Puppet, Fireball. ...
Apollo: To all of 'em.
Adama: So say we all.
All: So say we all.

Sacrifice (2.16)


Dualla: Billy, I can't marry you. I don't know how else to say it. I'm sorry.



Sesha: My name is Sesha Abinell. I have seized control of the Cloud Nine lounge... and held the people in it hostage.
Tigh: What do you want?
Sesha: What I want... this is not about... what I want. The colonial fleet has become a Cylon-occupied territory. You are working in collusion with a with a Cylon agent-- the very same model of a Cylon who tried to murder you, Admiral Adama, on your own ship. We want Sharon Valerii. You have two hours.


Plan Gone Wrong

Starbuck: It was friendly fire. Lee got hit by friendly fire. I think it was me.


"A calculated risk"

Roslin: It wasn't worth it.

The Captain's Hand (2.17)


Rya: Is this the Galactica?
Tyrol: Yeah.
Rya: Are you Dr. Cottle?



Roslin: Since assuming the presidency, I've made it my mission to maintain the rights and freedoms we so enjoyed prior to the attack. one of these rights has now come into direct conflict with the survival of the species. And I find myself forced to make a very difficult decision. The issue is stark. The fact is that if the civilization is to survive, we must, must repopulate this fleet. Therefore, I'm issuing an executive order. From this day forward, anyone seeking to interfere with a birth of child, whether it be the mother... or a medical practitioner-- Shall be subject to criminal penalty. Thank you.



Garner: You are relieved, Major! Sergeant of the guard.
Apollo: I am forced to take command of this vessel!
Garner: This man is in direct disobedience of an order-- under federal regulations i want him under arrest! I place you under arrest! Sergeant. Take him below.
Apollo: Sergeant, the commander's been properly relieved. Escort him to his quarters.
Garner: This man is not a member of this crew, and you will obey a direct order that you have been given by me, and you will do it now.
Sgt: Major. You'll come with me.


RIP Garner


One of those times where the Adama!emo could power a whole city

Adama: In your opinion, off the record... what was Garner's flaw?
Apollo: He was used to working with machines. Command is about people.
Adama: Remember that. I want you to take command... of the beast. Garner was my decision. His failure's my responsibility. Don't let me fail a second time. Congratulations, Commander.


Isn't she the one who got him into politics in the first place?

Baltar: If I may, Madame President. It is true in the light of recent events, the President may have lost support in some quarters. I would ask the people to understand that if this is an extreme decision, we live in extreme times. The decision has been made with good faith. I, however, cannot with good conscience support it. I am so sorry, Madame President. But the Cylon have no understanding of the meaning of the word freedom. How could they? They're programmed. Machines. Every time you take away one of our freedoms, every time you restrict or curtail one of our rights, we become one step closer to being like them. As the Vice President, I am bound to follow the administration's lead. As President... I should have no such strictures. Given the current situation, I'm afraid that I have no alternative but to announce that I am, as of now, a candidate for the presidency.

Downloaded (2.18)

Caprica and Head!Gaius

#6: Still can't get used to this.
Biers: Well, you're a hero of the Cylon now. You're our first celebrity.
#6: No, I'm just another Six.
Biers: You're too modest. I'm just another Three. And there are Fives and--or Eights. But you, everyone calls you Caprica Six like you're the only Six on the planet. And--and what you did was incredibly difficult. Seduce a man, so emotionally and physically so that he grants you access to all the most closely guarded secrets of his people. That mission could be profoundly disturbing.
Baltar: Disturbing? She sleeping with me and killing billions of people? 'Cause I rather thought you enjoyed sleeping with me.
#6: It was difficult at times.
Biers: So nobody here can possibly understand what you've been through. Which is why we need your help. There's another Cylon who's been having trouble re-integrating after a download. Another hero, actually. An Eight. She still insists on calling herself Sharon.
#6: And you thought I could help. I'm still having... I'm having problems of my own.
Biers: Caprica, you don't understand. She really needs your help. If we don't turn her around soon, there's talk of boxing her.
#6: Putting her memories in cold storage? You can't be serious.
Baltar: Well, that's a charming way to deal with emotional problems. One might almost call it inhuman. Oh, that's right, you are.



Boomer: Hello, Hera. She's got quite a grip on her.
Helo: You don't like it in there, do you, Hera? You gotta stay in till your lungs get stronger.
Boomer: She's our little girl. We made her.
Helo: It almost makes you want to believe in the Cylon god. Almost.
Boomer: I love you so completely.



Boomer: No! I won't let you kill him.
#6: She's right. Don't kill him.
Biers: Why not?
Baltar: Mm. Why not kill him? You've already killed billions of people. Do you honestly believe one more body's going to weigh any heavier on your conscience, which is something that you don't have, do you?
#6: We should interrogate him. Find his accomplices.
Biers: Okay. You can let go now, Sharon. What's this?
Biers examines Anders. She finds a colonial dogtag around his neck, She tears it off.
Boomer: Looks like colonial fleet id.
Biers: Thrace, Kara.
Boomer: Starbuck?
Biers: She was on Caprica a couple of weeks ago. She escaped with the help of another Sharon.
Boomer: If she gave him this, he meant something to her.
Biers: Well, then it's sweet.
She tosses it aside. #6 recovers it while nobody is watching.
Baltar: You have it in your hand. Hard physical proof of one person's love for another. If only you felt this deeply about us.
#6: I did. I do. I love you, Gaius.
Baltar: Where's the tangible proof?


Boomer: You're all murderers! You're all murderers!



Tory: You understand, Maya, that this adoption requires absolute secrecy. The mother is a Pegasus officer and must remain anonymous for political and religious reasons.
Maya: You have my word.
Roslin: Maya, you won't mind if I drop in occasionally.
Maya: Oh, of course not.


If only idealism actually amounted to anything…

Biers: No, you're corrupted by your experiences. You're a waste.
Baltar: Believe the lies. Ignore the truth. Listen to me. I will show you the proof. Speak from your heart. Say the things that you know to be true.
#6: Jealously, murder, vengeance-- they're all sins in the eyes of god. That's what you and I know. That's what they don't want to hear.
Boomer: Because then they'd have to rethink what they're doing. They'd have to consider that maybe the slaughter of mankind was a mistake!
Anders dives for his gun. He picks it up and takes two shots at Biers. She dodges the bullets, and knock the gun out of his hands. She turns the gun on him.
Biers: God loves me.
#6: See you again soon.

Lay Down Your Burdens (2.19 and 2.20) (Which will now be overwhelming the review and picspam…)

Sharon: "Something dark is coming, Helo"


Hopes and Fears

Tory: Madam President, in my opinion, people vote their hopes, not their fears. Baltar is offering them what they want to hear, and you're offering them a bitter reality.
Roslin: I'm offering them the truth.
Tory: They don't want to hear the truth. They're tried, exhausted. The idea of stopping, laying down their burdens, and starting a new life right now is what is resonating with the voters.
Roslin: How well is it resonating?
Tory: It could turn the entire election around.


Meet Brother Cavil

Tyrol: But how do you know I'm human?
Cavil: Oh, well, maybe because I'm a Cylon, and I've never seen you at any of the meetings. There's not much more I can do for you. You're going to have to go back to work and try and leave all of this behind you.
Tyrol: No. I-- I can't. I can't go back and face the deck people again. And Cally?
Cavil: Well, you'd better. That's the only family you've got. Just know that that's your family and that they love you. Even Cally. Especially Cally. If you doubt your humanity and your essential nature as a human being, all you need to do is look to them for the salvation you've been seeking from the gods. The gods lift up those who lift each other, Chief.


New Caprica?

Racetrack: Hey, check this out. Atmosphere is nitrogen/oxygen. Organic molecular spectra. Fresh water? Hey, you know what this is? It's habitable. We may have just found a world that can support human life. Maybe we're not just a bunch of frak-ups after all.



Helo: You got a Samuel T. Anders there?
Hilliard: Is there a Kara Thrace there?
Anders: If there is, you tell her she took her good, sweet time getting here.


*wipes eyes*

Cally: I forgive you.
Tyrol: No. Cally. No.
Cally: It wasn't you. I know that. It wasn't you.


Gee, I'm pretty sure we saw this scene in "Home"…

Tyrol: Security!
Starbuck: What the hell?
Tyrol: Don't move! He's a Cylon.
Adama: Back off, Chief. We got it.
Cavil: Well, this is an awkward moment. Yes, uh, he's right. I'm a Cylon. And I have a message. So take me to your leader.
Adama: Take him to the brig. Take that to the brig too.
Helo: What? Admiral, she didn't know.
Adama: Don't even start, Helo! Of course she knew.
Starbuck: Welcome to Galactica.


Roslin Wins

Zarek: I've seen a lot of elections, Gaius. Most honest, a few fixed. And you can always tell the fixed ones because they don't make sense. And this doesn't make sense.
Baltar: Laura Roslin is many things. But she's not corrupt. And she's not dishonest. It's over.


Ma and Pa = ♥. Stupid, but ♥

Adama: Do we steal the results of a democratic election or not? That's the decision. Because if we do this, we're criminals. Unindicted, maybe, but criminals just the same.
Roslin: Yes, we are.
Adama: You won't do it. We've gone this far, but that's it.
Roslin: 'Scuse me?
Adama: You try to steal this election, you'll die inside. It'll likely move your cancer right to your heart. The people made their choice. We're gonna have to live with it.


This should've been like the first horseman of the apocalypse, right?

Priest: If you'll raise your right hand and repeat after me. "I, Gaius Baltar, do avow and affirm."
Baltar: "I, Gaius Baltar, do avow and affirm."
Priest: "That I take the office of the President of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol without any moral reservation or mental evasion."
Baltar: "That I take the office of President of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol without any moral reservation or mental evasion."
Priest: "That I will protect and defend the articles of colonization."
Baltar: "That I will protect and defend the articles of colonization."
Priest: "With every fiber of my being."
Baltar: "With every fiber of my being."
Priest: Congratulations, Mr. President.




Must've been a rough year in Baltar's Hair; Or, where fandom does a collective WTF?

Baltar: Thank you. Morning. Where's my, where's my pills?


Porn 'Stache

Really, there's no reason for this cap. Just felt like showing off the 'stache.


Meet stubborn-ass Mr. Thrace

Starbuck: What the hell are you thinking?
Anders: [Coughs] Looks like I'm in trouble.
Starbuck: Doc Cottle is here. You're sick. You're supposed to be in bed.

. . .

Starbuck: Can't believe I married a moron.


Fuzzy!Tyrol as Norma Rae; with special guest appearance by preggo!Cally

Tyrol: But there comes a time when you realize that the engine you've built with your blood and your sweat and your tears is being used for something so foul, so perverted that it makes you sick in your heart. And it's then that you must throw your body on the gears and on the levers and on the machine itself and make it stop. And you have to show the people who run it, the people who control it, that unless we're free, that machine will be prevented from working at all.

All: Strike! Strike! Strike! Strike! Strike! Strike! Strike!


And the second horseman of the apocalypse…?

Starbuck: Colonel.
Tigh: Wow, look at you.
Ellen: Hi.
Starbuck: Oh, I'm so glad you guys are here.


The biggest shock of the ep

Fat!Lee, FTW!


No, seriously, the biggest shock of the episode:

Baltar: On behalf of the people of the Twelve Colonies, I surrender.


Coming...more doom and gloom on New Caprica (season three, part one)

picspam, fandom: bsg: review, fandom: bsg: s2

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