some 2007 recs, part one (things not Lost)

Dec 28, 2007 19:42

I would love to say things about the holidays, but I find myself bored by typing such things out, for some reason; likely, you'd be bored reading my efforts, LOL. So I'll just say--It's over, it was nice, I'm ready to be home. And, oh: HELLO! *waves*

New layout, in case you care about such things: cynthia_arrow

My muse? She is problematic lately. If an idea hits me like a bolt from the blue, and it's short and not very scene-y, I can do it. But I have a TON of projects that I've been actively working on (some, apparently, since OCTOBER!) that I just cannot get to behave--because they're scene-y, and every time I write something like that lately, it descends into something like this: "First he went here, then he went there, then he made an expression, then he inflected his voice, then he made a gesture which is probably gratuitous to report to the reader..." It makes me tired to read. I'm trying to fix it. I haven't forgotten those fics I owe people. Promise.

In lieu of fic of my own, I'd like to post some recs from 2007. Fair warning: this list represents my entirely erratic reading habits and perhaps quirky personal taste. And it doesn't represent everything good I've read, just what I bothered to memorize (for various and sundry reasons). This is just like a...smattering of the kinds of things I read. What I discovered? For one, I enjoy it when men named Sam have sex. ;)

I've given a brief indication of what you'll find if you click the link. Please heed the warnings in the author's headings, especially about spoilers, since I haven't included them here. If something's in quotations marks, it's a C&P from the author's summary or notes. Let me know if any of this is f-locked or I have broken links, m'kay?

Lost recs to come in the next few days, but for now...


Kara, Kara/Anders, something introspective, with Kara/Zak and Kara/Leoben references, PG-13, 1800 words: Watching the Lights go Down, by lyssie

Kara/Anders, "Rish. Sex. Meaningful sex, even. Ugh." 2000 words: Influencing Centripetal Force, by lyssie

Kara/Anders, references to Kara/Zak and Kara/Lee, PG-13, shortish: Questioning the Siren, by lyssie

Anders/Caprica, post-finding earth, PG-13, v. short,: let me bury my secret in you (choices), by super_kc

Anders/Tyrol, R, v. short: Proof We Are Real, by super_kc

Gina, rather dark, R, 1700 words: Glass Slipper, by nicole_anell

Crack!fic, "Baltar, Caprica-Six, and their brain-lovers get married and have six children. Three of whom live in their minds," 400 words, R?: Like Rogue Unicorns, by nicole_anell

Felix Gaeta, quirky but poignant future fic, 1200 words, PG (but kinda dark): Resurrection Ship, by tobiasfic


Sam/Ruby, Dean, R, 2300 words: like a bubble headed for a spike, by oxoniensis

Sam/Lenore, distant future, NC-17, 3000 words: lovers alone wear sunlight, by oxoniensis (I've recced this before, BTW)

Sam/Madison, lots of fun dirty things happening (in the service of good characterization, of course), NC-17, 3400 words: Full Cycle, by femmenerd

Sam/Andy, smoking pot, first time, NC-17, long: Hit Me, Baby, by albydarned (I've recced this before, BTW)

Sam/Dean, Sam dents his car!, NC-17, medium length: Interstice, by zelda_zee

Sam, Dean, I can't describe it-just read it, PG, 1500 words: The Human Stain, by arabella_hope


House/Wilson, established relationship, smut of the meaningful sort, NC-17, 3600 words (hell, it's got three pages of comments, if that tells you anything!): Stumbling Towards Something Real, by ignazwisdom

House/Wilson, quiet moment at dinner, PG, 1000 words: Quiet, by shara_j

House/Wilson, darkish, NC-17, 1000 words: Kindertotenlieder, by queenzulu

House/Chase, established relationship, about House's altercation with Chase's nativity scene, snarky and fun, shortish, PG-13: All Is Calm (Except When It Isn't), by seldra


LOST/SPN: Shannon/Sam, NC-17, 3700 words: Left Coast Leaning, by arabella_hope

LOST/SPN: Jack/Sawyer, Sam, Dean, lots of other people, baseball!AU, NC-17, 3700 words: Up and Away, chapter 4, by gottalovev

LOST/SPN: Jack/Sam, first time, NC-17, some snarking Dean too!, long: Never Say the Word, by elise_509


Tom Welling/Michael Rosenbaum, bathroom fornication, NC-17, 1300 words: I Know What Boys Like, by kueble_fic

Jeffrey Dean Morgan/Jensen Ackles, genderswitch, NC-17, medium length: Swimming Blindly (To Throw Myself On Your Shore), by beanside

Jensen Ackles/JC Chasez, meet at a party, fantastic smut, NC-17, long: Starstruck, part one and part two, by zelda_zee

Chris Kirkpatrick/JC Chasez, tattoo!AU, NC-17, longish: Phoenix Rising, by zelda_zee

Chris Kirkpatrick/Justin Timberlake, first time, NC-17, longish: Baby you're so new age, you're like my new craze, by zelda_zee


ATWT: Luke/Noah, she calls it PWP but I'd call it rather lyrical, Rish?: Drive, by uberaeryn (you don't need to know these boys that well; if you missed Kathy's writing, give it a whirl)

GA: George/Izzie, *cough*brithdayficforme*cough*, 1000 words, PG-13?: Everything is Right, by holycitygirl

GA: George/Izzie, "slightly angsty, with a happy ending," shortish, PG: If it don't work out like you think (and there's nothing there to ease this ache), by holycitygirl

HP: Remus/Sirius, marauders, playful and calming, 1000 words, PG-13: We Could Rule the World, by such_heights

HP: Ron/Hermione, mid-DH, smut, NC-17 (3 pages of comments on this one!): One Rainy Night, by inell



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