SV 7.? and SPN 3.08 "A Very Supernatural Christmas"

Dec 13, 2007 20:59

Okay, so I didn't see anything but the first five minutes then the last ten. But I have to say it, because it amuses me:

I didn't see enough of the plot to know if we already knew it wasn't really Clark before that moment at the end, but I should've known anyway. Why? Because Clark's putting his hand on Lana's face, telling her he's fallen in love with her all over again, and I come out of my kitchen, in the middle of making quesedillas, and sort of pause in the doorway, slack-jawed, thinking thank you God for Tom Welling. GAH. *sigh!*. Then his face phases into that metal whatever, and I think okay, well I knew there was a reason, and that's it. Why is it bad!Clark and any variety of anti!Clark stirs up my hormones in ways real Clark rarely can? (Notice the rarely. 'Cause I do wibble at Clark a lot, but more often in a motherly way than anything. I wanna protect him, not jump his bones. MOST of the time.)

So, why the fake/bad!Clark fetish? Because fake Clarks overdo the emotion. And bad!Clark, well...who could resist Tom Welling actually using his considerable charisma for once, and to be bad-ass to boot!

Anyway. Now SPN...

I have not much of substance, other than to say wee!Sam owns my soul. What a stubborn but emo little dear. And Dean... Y'all know I'm a Sam girl, but I do rather adore his brother, especially right after I watch an ep where I'm reminded of how much responsibility the poor guy's had all his life...AND HOW GOOD HE WAS AT BEING RESPONSIBLE. Seriously, Sam wouldn't be the guy he is without Dean watching out for him and making his life as stable as possible under such crazy circumstances.

Those kids they cast--I just love them. I do.

Of course, I also love the grown-up versions smiling like dorks on the couch as they exchange presents and Sam tearing up just like tiny!emo!Sam did. But soldiering on through anyway. GAH. Love 'em.

What I don't love? How my fingernail is STILL aching in sympathy with Sammy's. Dear LORD, that was gross!

fandom: spn: s3, sam of rock salt in shotguns, fandom: smallville

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