some rambling about grey's, which is okay, since 'tis quiet around here

Nov 22, 2007 23:10

OMG, Alex Karev!, stop being so fucking hot on Grey's Anatomy or I'll be forced to flip away from Hodges being a big goober on CSI.

(Karev...he's beginning to own my soul, for no discernible reason. I really, really don't get the sudden Karev disease I've got. *whines*)

And, dear Lord, what's a girl to do when SPN is back next week and I've got three shows I try to juggle? *thanks a higher power for online viewing*

Umm...and should I post this short second-person Lexie/Alex excuse for porn fic I wrote after the episode a couple of weeks ago when she was drunk? What if I said it has no proper names in it and you can pretend it's random porn?

(Should I even be ficcing a show I watch only in thirty-second increments, and only if hot boys, Bailey, or my sort-of doppleganger Lexie is on the screen?)

And, no, holycitygirl, I haven't forgotten the college!Mark/Derek bathroom porn. It's...percolating. It's insisting on having a plot, which I already have worked out--I just have to wait until it wants to be written. But it will be. Don't you worry.

Is it bad that I spent all Thanksgiving evening (when I wasn't flipping between Grey's and CSI) watching the Law & Order marathon on USA? Is it bad that I'll admit to having a bit of a crush on Detective Goren, despite (because of?) Vincent D'Onofrio's overacting?

But, see, I'm off to watch Pushing Daisies now, so I'll end the evening on a pleasant note. :)

ETA: PD watched. News flash: Lee Pace is the cutest thing ever with his skinny little suits and Ned's nervous body posture and his long, long legs and...GAH, his everything. :) And I SO want Olive's boobs. Or, hell, Chuck's.

fandom: grey's anatomy, fandom: pushing daisies

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