So, I'm finally coming out of a necessary period of lurking. I've been up to my eyeballs in schoolwork (both the student and teacher sort. Tonight, I finished a ten-page victorian literature paper. Blech!). Luckily, my muse has been tired, too. I had planned to post my Professor!Sawyer and Alcoholic!Jack story this week, but it still needs work that I don't have time now to do (hopefully the end of next week). And I'm trying to get caught up on reading. If I missed something of yours, you should tell me. Really. Leave me a comment here, and don't even feel like you ought to link me to your story. Just tell me a title and I'll hunt for it.
I'm taking another LJ break soon, of necessity--I'm getting on an airplane for the first time in my 25 years to go across the country (to
eponine119's general neck of the woods, I believe), and I have no idea if I'll be able to access the internet. I'll be away from Thursday until next Wednesday. So, as I'm still catching up on fic, I'm digging myself a new hole. For that reason, I'm asking you to continue nudging me in the direction of things you want me to read, espeically things you post while I'm gone. Drop me a comment to this post while I'm gone, and I'll hunt down the story and use the end of my spring break to gorge myself on Lost fic. I WANT you to pimp YOUR OWN FIC! Swear. Does this make me lazy? You'll still love me if it does, right?
I'm happy to be done with the lurking, and I love you all to pieces, even those of you who shout obscenities or use cartwheeling stick figure icons. Such dorks! :)