(no subject)

Sep 05, 2007 10:05

Headache from hell. 9 a.m. Trying to kill it with a cafe mocha and blueberry scone. And some tylenol. Blame Wordsworth. Tried to teach the Preface to Lyrical Ballads twice before 10 a.m.

Notice the 'tried.'

So abysmally boring. Was less articulate than I can remember being in forever in front of a class. Arg. Arg arg arg.

Backed up and punted in second class: group work. Went so much better. Apparently, it takes 3 go-rounds with rambling as bad as old Bill to learn to just let them read and discuss it and screw if they get the finer points; it's not like they get them during my inarticulate lecture anyway.

I thought I was over this. Apparently not. But it's good to know I am capable of imparting great truths of Romanticism, even with a headache. As long as, apparently, I put them in groups and wander around chattering at them. *facepalm* (Dudes, it really is the better way for me to teach, more one-on-one. I SUCK SUCK SUCK at lecturing. Suck.)

GAH. I hate Wednesday. Somebody rec me something fun for when I get home. Plz. Thnx.

unhappiness, grr school sucks

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