Jul 24, 2007 01:30
I wrote some HP fic the other night after watching Order of the Phoenix, but it's been ages since I read that book, not to mention I've never written in the HP fandom before, so I need a bit of quick help...from the right person.
By 'right' I mean:
1) Do you feel like you know the Marauders? Basically, can you recall Prizoner of Azkaban and OotP a lot better than I can (which is to say at all)?
2) Would you be willing to read over 2700 words of non-explict Remus/Sirius set during OotP and check my canon for me?
I'm not averse to advice about the writing (particualrly if you're, say, a damn sight more British than me (which is to say at all) and can peg bad dialogue), but I really just need someone to make sure I'm not fucking up my facts in some egregious way. I'd like to post this to a Remus/Sirius comm (because I'm betting I'm not gonna get many takers here on my flist, lol), but I'm afeard of doing so unless I know I'm not kicking canon in the face.
'Cause, dudes, I don't WRITE Harry Potter slash. Except, apparently, I do.
fandom: hp