my growing obsession with Tom Welling; also, Battlestar Galactica 3.11-3.13

Jun 09, 2007 17:17

I'm going to a party tonight. I might be the only straight person there. It might be the awkwardest party on earth, b/c I'm going to keep a friend company, and I won't know a soul. It might be fun. *shrugs* We'll see. Apparently, I'm not going. *shrugs again* Me and my damn hermit friends... ;)

So, I might have already written the dialogue for a Jared Padalecki/Tom Welling RPS fic. They're both a little drunk, and Jared's mooning over a very straight Jensen. But there's gonna be gropage. Promise.

Problem: I don't know how people normally write Tom. I've only read a few fics with him in them, especially when he wasn't just a sidekick in a J2 story. If you can tell me anything about canon RPS Tom, I'd love to hear it, b/c otherwise I'm just gonna make shit up. I wish I could say it doesn't matter, that this is just PWP, an excuse to porn two very tall, dark, and handsome men, but there's substance to it. Because I just can't PWP to save my life. *frets*

Now, I just watched Battlestar Galactica 3.11-3.13--for the first time, DO NOT SPOIL ME FOR THE REST OF THE SEASON!--and I thought I'd share thoughts. Mostly for my sister.

First, and most importantly, Caprica Six is my new hero. Srsly. I love Caprica. So much that I was actually grumbling mad at Gaius when he ran off with Wacky Three to Algae Planet (that's what the title cards call it. Just 'Algae Planet.' How original.).

Okay, so the quadrangle of doom is dumb, mostly because they're saying a bunch of shit out loud that they probably would never say, and I don't buy all this angst, after the writers spent the first 9 episodes of the season ignoring the whole Kara/Lee thing. I so badly wanted D to dump his ass there in that scene in le random new bar, but no. And I so badly wanted Sam to grow a pair, although at the same time, I love that he loves Kara for the person she is--so frakked up--that he basically deals with her cheating and being in love with Lee, even if it hurts him. I'm not saying I'm a Kara/Sam shipper, but he's precious, and I keep resisting the urge to shout obscenities at her for being the way she is with him. (That and the way she is with Lee, too, who grows sadder and more in need of a hug as the episodes go on. But aside from his crap with Kara, he's going back to being the Lee I loved so much from season one, I think.)

Things that shocked me: When Sam tells Lee this isn't the first time Kara has cheated. Poor dumb Sam. And then when Lee and Sam are fighting about him going to rescue Starbuck, and Sam says he'll kill Lee if she dies, and he says he'll want to be dead if she is. *clutches Lee* (C'mon, though--it made the slasher in me want to hunt down Lee/Sam angst!porn. Real bad. Or write some. 'Cause the two of them all sweaty and yelling at each other? Hot.)

Gaius Baltar breaks my heart. But he needs to cut his hair. Bad. I don't know what else to say right now. I'm waiting to see how it plays out that he's back on Galactica, apart from ol' Felix trying to kill him. What the HELL did Gaius SAY IN HIS EAR to make him so crazy? Maybe he was reminding him of all the sex they used to have on Colonial One. That would make ol' Felix a traitor, wouldn't it? Gaeta, Gaeta, Gaeta--he's SO a Cylon. I call it!

Anyway, I'm still fascinated by how Gaius's personal quest for validation dovetailed right into Three's spiritual quest to see the final five. I was kinda sad they boxed her model. But not too sad, because she was keeping Gaius away from his beautiful, courageous blonde.

Speaking of Caprica...she snapped Boomer's neck?! I can't believe Boomer went so apeshit over Hera when Sharon got there. See, this is why I've always harbored a deep-down suspicion about Boomer. I never warmed to her like I did Sharon. Turns out she's crazy.

I wish they'd built up a little more to the whole Helo shooting Sharon so they could rescue Hera thing. The entire arc of the story was so fast. But poor Helo, so sure of Sharon, but so worried about her. I can't believe he could actually do it. I guess I underestimate how strong he is. He gets all heart-melty over his woman, but he's a tough son of a bitch when he thinks he's doing the right, honorable thing. Helo=♥^100.

And my Chief! Is he special, somehow? I mean, not Kara Thrace and Her Special Destiny special, but I loved that he was the one who found the temple and connected to it. In general, I adore how this show plays with religion and spirituality. But I think I know where it's headed in terms of connecting the Cylons and the humans beyond the humans (supposedly) having built the Cylons. Five pillars, five prophets, five Cylons. Makes me SO anxious to see the end of the season. I can't imagine what they might actually find on earth, if they get there, but I think it'll be...interesting.

Enough rambling. I think that's all of it. Except to say Kara/Lee is hot. Destructive to everyone within a fifty mile radius, but hot. I don't anticipate this reconciliation with their spouses to last. Not for a minute. Possibly because I don't believe Lee when he says he loves Dualla and that's why he married her. Nope. *shakes head*

So, next time, the story arc of crap?

For those keeping score at home:

I will defend Helo, Sharon, Chief, Sam, Gauis, Caprica, Gaeta, and Lee to the death. I will also yell at them all periodically, because they're such frakked-up dopes. I will enjoy the hell out of watching Kara Thrace, because she's so interesting, but like with Sawyer on 'Lost,' I won't always care for her actions.

I believe the following people cannot possibly be Cylons: Helo (he's the everyman of the human race), Gaius (too easy), Lee (survived the infected basestar okay; which also means all those raptor pilots and ECOs are human, too), Kara (since I foolishly believe Ron Moore and his promise).

I believe the following people probably are Cylons: Dualla (okay, so I'm hoping), Chief (it would be shocking + he found the temple + it's gotta be him or Helo, and I don't believe it's Helo), Gaeta (it would make complete sense to me, and it would make looking back at the rest of the series interesing, in terms of how close he is to everything in the CIC), and Roslin (the way she was cured of the cancer + one of the leaders has to turn out to be a Cylon, and I don't think it's Adama). And Tom Zarek, just because.


galen tyrol needs to marry me, writing, fandom: bsg: s3, fandom: smallville

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