Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

May 27, 2007 18:03

PotC: AWE...which I have renamed PotC: Everyone Gets to Be a Pirate Captain

First: I know these movies are cheesy Disney fare: crazy storytelling and lots of action to obscure the weaknesses in plot and characterization. But they entertain me endlessly and I adore them. I don't have the attention span for movies a lot of the time, but I can always watch a PotC movie without looking at my watch and wondering when it'll be over. I think it's because I can't keep the bigger plot straight and can only stay in the moment. I just sort of disappear into the spectacle and enjoy it. (Also, anytime Orlando's on screen swinging a sword at someone, often while being both noble and wet, I lose all concentration. All. So much that I'm able to ignore the fact that Will Turner is painfully boring most of the time.)

So what follows are spoilers, all.

Good things to ramble about, in no order except how they come to me:

1. Norrington=♥ Even with the stupid wig again. *curses wig* Seriously, though, I love Jack Davenport and I'm practically gleeful that Norrington went out on the side of the good. And didn't fear death. :)

2. Elizabeth is the best Pirate King EVER. I really think she's the most fascinating character of them all. If I even start talking about how much I love her, I'll just ramble.

3. They gave Will some added pathos (as if Orlando needed more reasons to look hot and attempt to emote) in the second movie with the business of rescuing his father and with Elizabeth making doe eyes at Jack all the time. But they did one better here...by letting him get married, then MAKING HIM IMMORTAL AND TORTURED. Why couldn't they do that to Norrington? That's all I'm saying. But, really, I didn't mind the Will/Elizabeth love story so much. I even teared up a bit at the end, and that's a lot, coming from someone who doesn't particularly buy their epic love.

4. Speaking of buying: do I believe that Jack would sacrifice his chance at immortality for Will? I don't know. But I like it. A lot. People have complained that Jack was a little cartoony in the second movie, but I think he was properly sobered by death and was more harcore Jack in this movie. Except for the wibbling over Will. But that was cute.

5. How much do I love that the one-eyed guy got to whisper Tia Dalma back into Calypso? ENDLESSLY.

6. How happy am I that Elizabeth didn't turn out to be Calypso? TO INFINITY.

7. I really, really loved the opening. Set the perfect tone, I think.

8. I liked the whole sequence in Singapore, and I don't know why. I think because it was early in the movie and the carnage hadn't worn me out yet. I just think it was a spectacular skirmish.

9. Why was I shocked that Will got stabbed? You gotta take out one or two of the leads or there's no intensity to the story. The twist of Will as the Captain of the Flying Dutchman was cool, I thought. And it works perfectly, because Will's the only one of the bunch with the integrity to actually do the job. And he gets to be with his Dad.

10. And why is Will as Immortal Pirate Captain so brain-melting? WHY, ORLANDO, WHY must you be so freakin' hot with a half-unbuttoned shirt, despite your tragic lack of chest hair?

11. I loved the scene between Tia Dalma and Davy Jones. A lot. Makes me remember how I keep thinking that if they didn't get good actors for these parts, these movies would be total crap.

12. Jack's father. *giggles* Perfect, of course.

The not so good, in no order except what outrage I latch onto first:

1. Multiple Jacks? *cringes for Johnny Depp*

2. Crabs? Srsly?

3. Marriage. During a swordfight. In a maelstrom. wtf. Especially after all the calamitous lies between them. (Although I did like the idea of the two of them swordfighting together like that; it was hot and I'm always a fan of Elizabeth swordfighting.)

4. So much double-crossing, I can't figure out who should be mad at whom. If anyone can make heads or tails of who was an actual traitor here and who wasn't, I'll give you a million dollars. Epecially if you can explain Will or Jack drinking with Cutler Smarmy Ass and make me not be mad at either.

5. Staying through the credits simply to see that, yes, Elizabeth does fortuitously get pregnant during their one day together, and Will returns to meet his 10-yr-old son. As if we had a doubt that he'd behave himself and thus avoid turning into an angry squid-man.

I'm sure there were other things I liked and didn't, but this is what occurs to me, and with no way to possible remember all the plot twists, this is what I got. I think I liked this one even better than DMC. So many interesting characters on the canvas, and, like I said, everyone gets to be a pirate captain, so it's all good.

fandom: potc

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