SPN 2.21 "All Hell Breaks Loose" (part one)

May 11, 2007 11:01

I HAVE COMPLETE FAITH IN DEAN. Total and utter faith.


I'm actually sort of peaceful right now. I mean, I didn't like watching Sam get stabbed and slip away. That was hard. But it's like I just laid it all in Dean's hands from that moment, and that's where the angst is gonna stay.

...until next week when Dean's crying and screaming and wanting to die. Then I'm sure I'll finally break. But I'll still be cheering him on, because he's one strong motherfucker and he will get my Sammy back.

Anyway, other observations, now that I've mulled a bit:

1. I like the twist that Sam didn't go dark after all, that that wasn't the problem. But...

2. Boy was a dumbass in the way only Sam can be: by having too much faith in the goodness of human nature. *cuddles my dumbass boy* If he didn't, of course, then he wouldn't be Sam.

3. Ava: I love the creepy twist that she didn't just go evil like a flipped switch she had no control over, that she chose it...and because she had little other choice. The kill-or-be-killed thing...wow. I actually thought the creepiest moment of the episode (besides the fingernail demon girl) was Ava talking about the awesome power she's tapped into. *shivers*

4. Did you notice Sam's bitchface when he was talking to the yellow-eyed demon? Seriously, it was the bitchface to end all bitchfaces. :)

5. I love leader!Sam. Like shag-him-against-the-nearest-hard-surface love.

6. I liked the moment of solidarity between the soldier and Sam. Nice. And it made it even better when he turned on him.

7. So this week was Sam as hero; next week is Dean as hero. Nice. Really nice.

8. I talked to the TV a LOT last night. Mostly to Sam. Most of it was praise. Then I literally cheered when I heard Dean's voice coming to rescue Sam. Oh, and I believe I called Dean stupid when he didn't realize what the visions were right away. I said, "You're not that stupid, Dean!" Then I amended that: "Well, Bobby, at least you're not that stupid!" To be fair, I was pretty much chanting a mantra to Sam at the end about his stupidity. And I mean "stupid" with a lot of love.

9. ASH! Now, fess up: how many of you were sad when you realized Jo wasn't at the roadhouse to be burned up? (Admit it!)

10. So Mary knew the yellow-eyed demon? So we have to ressurect the idea that maybe the demon is Sam's father, not John? Or am I delusional? And who WAS that anyway that we got a glimpse of?

sam of rock salt in shotguns, fandom: spn: s2

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