Lost 3.20 "The Man Behind the Curtain"

May 09, 2007 22:50


This might be an unpopular opinion, but I've been finding the Others/Dharma storyline really intriguing…in the last few episodes, once they really seemed to plug it back into the survivors' story. When it was the trio captured on their side of the island, it was boring and frustrating all at once, but now it feels more relevant, and I think it's turned out to be kinda cool. Tonight entertained me to no end.

I love the idea that the Others are really the "hostiles"/natives. It makes sense, then, that the Others would feel connected to the island in some spiritual way. And that they exterminated the Dharma people? Wow.

I haven't talked about the ending yet because I'm still in denial. Probably because I don't think Locke is dead. I don't think the island will let him die. But I was surprised as hell to see him get shot. I literally gasped and sat gape-mouthed at the edge of the couch. I love love love it when Lost makes me do that.

Here's what strikes me as odd about my whole reaction to the Locke thing. On one level, I hope like hell he's not dead. He's the most interesting character on the show right now, and Terry is fantastic. But at the same time, I won't feel the same sense of loss if he dies as I would Jack or Sawyer or Sayid.

And it's not about hot guys vs. guys I don't write porn about, because I'd have the same mixed reaction if Desmond died. Both Locke and Desmond feel like they're sort of working on their own personal story, apart from the others, and once that story comes to a head, if they ride of into the sunset, I'll be okay with that. Whereas with Jack, Sawyer, Sayid, and others, I won't ever believe they could ride off into the sunset on their own, because they're tied in to the bigger story of the whole group, and since we as fans begin to feel like part of that group of survivors, it would feel like they left us, you know?

Let me be clear: I do NOT want to see Locke or Desmond die. I will hate it. It will be a waste, like every other death has been a waste. But I don't think I'll boohoo the same way I would with the others, because they're both so such stand-alone characters, it's like they inhabit a different part of my show-watching heart and my creative space than Jack, Sawyer, and Sayid. I wish I could explain it without making it sound like I don't love both of those characters, because I do. But I'm not as protective of them. They don't feel as much like family. Like on BtVS, season six…warning: spoilers for that……….I was upset as hell when Tara died, but it felt like the show could go on without her. Whereas if Xander or Willow had died, it wouldn't be BtVS anymore.

This doesn't mean I don't wanna have Desmond's babies. 'Cuz I do. Even if he got no screen time tonight. *grumbles* I truly am a Desmond fangirl of the craziest, flailiest variety, I promise you. Look at my reviews for "Catch-22" and "Flashes" and "LT, DA" if you don't believe me.

Okay, enough rambling. The shorter comments:

I adore Michael Emerson. Ben Linus is a cold and scary motherfucker.

I still don’t trust Juliet. And I'm sorry we got gypped on the whole "we've got some catching up to do" (we need to hear that NOW, dammit, not next week!).

I wanna know why people go all Haley Joel Osment on the island ("I see dead people!").

I like that we got an explanation for Roger Work Man, and I don't feel bad now that Sawyer called him Skeletor. But, tell me, is there a single person on the island without Daddy Issues? And does having a crappy father entitle people to turn into psychotic killers?

Most importantly (if we believe Ben isn't crazy, and I'm beginning to think he's wackier than Desmond), whose brown eyes were those we saw in that flash of "Jacob"?

fandom: lost: s3

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