Title: Space
Pairing: Jack/Sawyer
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Post-island. Jack and Sawyer finally decide to stop sleeping in the car during their trek across the southwest. The hotel, thank God, has a pool. Later, porn ensues. 2800 words.
Note: For
isis2015, who is always a dear and who was specifically a big help on Thursday, quelling a category five
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Comments 27
Honestly, it was a pleasure to write. My J/S muse has been rather awol, but apparently it just wanted an excuse to come out to play!
Anyway, this was a lovely read, thanks. :)
Perhaps I could be persuaded to write rest stop porn. If I gotta...
You know, I didn't know what to call this thing, but then that word just jumped out at me from that paragraph, and it seemed to make sense. Thanks for letting me know it worked.
I'm so glad you liked this. Thanks for reading it, dear!
Amanda is lucky that you wrote it for her! It's absolutely perfect for her, she loves her Jealous!Sawyer somethin' awful! Oh, I knew exactly what I was doing. She didn't even have to give me prompts. Her jealous!Sawyer kink is pretty well known, I think.
Thanks so much for reading this. It's good to know my J/S isn't broken. :)
Oh, and the sex parts? Are really, really sexy. I will leave it at that for the sake of propriety. (Too late, say you?)
And for someone who thought she couldn't agree with Sawyer about the colour of an orange: I also really, really, really hated The Da Vinci Code. A lot. Go Sawyer! (Had to get that off my chest.)
I'm glad you liked it. :) Thanks for the feedback!
♥ you!
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