why i've been not-so-present this week; battlestar galatica

Mar 24, 2007 23:24

So, I haven't been around a lot this week, and it's because my sister's been in town. My sister is extraordinarily good at foisting TV shows upon me, so she made it her mission to get me through the whole first season of Battlestar Galactica in three days (0_0). Could I say 'no'? Not when 1) I've heard lots of good things about it and 2) it's turned her into a legitimate insane-o fangirl. Of all the TV shows she's ever obsessed over, this one's driven her to finally join the ranks of the super-obsessed. It's cute.

Of course Starbuck and Apollo are love. Of course; you can't not love them. I also love President Roslin, even when she's going just a little wacky on her herbal cure. But I'm still iffy on Commander Adama, and I can't put my finger on why. But I don't hate him, so it's all good.

What can I say about Gaius Baltar other than I think he's the most interesting, fucked-up, morally ambiguous, and hyterically funny character on the show. He's absolutely self-absorbed, but I'm convinced as a viewer that he's being completely sincere in his emotions there in that magical self-absorption. He's always looking so bored and blase and smoking (the actor's posture and expressions amuse me to no end), except when he's confused and raving and talking to himself. He's hot and brilliant and absolutely insane! How could you not be enthralled and entertained. It does prompt me to wonder why I get so mesmerized by the head cases with big brown eyes and long wavy hair and accents and important mystical fates. (Not that I'd compare him to Desmond in any substantial way.)

I have to say though, that if I were to fangirl any characters it would be Helo and Chief. Fangirl in the "ooh, Boomer and/or Caprica Sharon is a bitch and I hate her" way, even when it's irrational. Just because I love big strong noble overprotective dumbass boys, especially when some bitchy girl breaks their hearts. Makes me a little overprotective myself.

I don't think of the show as sci-fi, per se. I mean, it is in some ways, and I'm a longtime fan of that genre so I obviously wouldn't mind if it was, but it's really a character-driven drama that happens to be set in space. It's highly political and it explores a lot of philosophy and religion and the sort of post-apocalyptic storylines that I love so much, and it does so through character interactions and stories. It's well acted, carefully plotted and paced, and it has an air of relatable reality even when its at its most fantasy-like. I really do like it so far.

fandom: bsg: s1

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