Jun 19, 2004 07:51
ok first on the fact that i moved ("we're movin on up"), the people we sold the house to were friendly ..in the beginning..dun DUN dun. this is the deal my mom was going to have a garage sale the weekend she was going to give the house to the bastards (thats what we'll call them)the sale was going to take place officially on saturday and the house was to be given to the fucking bastards (i like this one better)on sunday. the fucking bastards insisted on getting a key early to make copies or what not... so my lovely and giving family decided to render to their wishes. little did we know that on FRIDAY night the fucking bastards were going to go into the house and stick all the shit that we hadnt taken out and for the garage sale in bags and throw it outside as if it were garbage. MY GLASSES WERE IN THERE!!!! i was very disgruntled. well as of that weekend mother and i bothered none in returning, they had completely taken over.
so thats right. my chicken MY chicken, Gringa, is held captive till this day in their household (i have a pet chicken, im sorry im latin). and my great trampoline. so i propose a plan to you ..OPERATION RESCUE CHICKEN.. please respond a plan, a dirty plan is brueing.