Stolen from
tenel Buddah in training
You scored 21 soulful!
Every day brings you new experience and encounters.
You probably don't see the rest of humanity as people, you see them as
different fassets of the same conciousness that you are also a part of.
Every time you interact with anyone, you interact with yourself on a different vibration.
You express yourself in a multitude of ways, be it art, music, clothes, make-up or the way you talk to people.
I bet a lot of people think you're weird and call you as much but you
don't mind. In fact you probably thank people that call you weird.
To hell with being "normal"
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 99% on soulful
The Do you have a soul Test written by
Maaarcooose on
Ok Cupid