Jan 18, 2006 09:03
Back into the full swing of things today. Meetings, experiments, lab and research financesl hell.
It would seem none of the stores have been kept up in my absence and the lab is lacking in many a crucial item for work to go smoothly.
I have my first reaction for the year on though which is a good sign, this year will be hectic as I try and finish up all my lab work and actually get some meaningful results. The thing that keeps me going at this point is the constant stream of people that keep telling me they didn't get anything meaningful for their thesis until the last six months. I am hoping to avoid that kind of stress but we will see how it goes.
Canada holiday was great, loads of snow, great company and many a silly moment. Getting sick didn't even have much of an impact on the overall high.
Serious investigation into possible post doc work in Vancouver will also be a feature of this coming year. Coming back to the oh so wonderful Brisbane weather has just reinforced how much I really want to live somewhere cooler. Current possibilities are NZ, Melbourne and Canada. Will see what happens though.
The quest to fight off my PhD eating my entire life continues. Boardgames and BBQ sundays being an attempt at this so hopefully people will show up for some silliness and what not. The other plans in place so far are learning to play with fire (fire twirling) and making a serious regular habit of indoor climbing.
Did I mention I love maple candy?