Feb 24, 2008 20:29
Sam is probably really mad that it's been 10 days and I have yet to post anything about my lovely trip to Vietnam.
My plan was, when I got home on Sunday, to post all my pictures with captions then go back day by day to describe my adventures. Sunday's drive back to Chicago from my mom's was arduous with black ice and slow driving, so I'd start on Monday after work. Then Monday and Tuesday went by with too much work and not enough motivation.
**start rant**
Ok, one of my biggest pet peeves are those people that think somehow they are so important that they come in to work no matter how sick they are. Hey fucker, all you end up doing is getting the rest of us the same damn sick that you are. So thanks alot whichever asshat gave me the flu and strep throat (and there were many when I got back to work on Monday, as there is a strain of flu going around that's immune to the vaccinations). You made me burn another three days of my PTO (personal time off) when I only get 15 days from this stingy company and I just took 10 on a relaxing vacation. Now I have 2 for the rest of the year jackass! So a big, huge fuck you!
**end rant**
Anyway, I went to the doctor on Thursday and got meds and am feeling a bit better but even though I had days of no work most of it was spend coughing, blowing my nose, feeling miserable and falling in and out of feverish Nyquil induced sleep on the couch. Not much got done as far as uploading and writing.
This might turn out to be good, I've been irritated the last few days thinking about all the time I've missed and reliving my experience away from work may be a good way to re-relax. I'm currently uploading the pictures (only 33 of 138) and am hoping to finish up the comments on the pictures tonight whilst I watch the Oscars. Ok, that may be unrealistic since this is taking FOREVER to upload these picture. When did I take all of these??? I didn't look at the pictures before uploading so it will be fun to see what's actually on there. YAY! in a better mood already!