Oct 25, 2008 10:16
This poor journal is being horribly neglected, and I will be honest and say that's because my laziness is shining through rather than a lack of stuff to post.
There has been book progress! It's small, but nevertheless, it's going. There has been minimal progress on the three essays I have due in November, but we won't talk about things like that.
Sadly, it looks like I won't be able to get down for Twilight weekend (I have rehearsals 6-8 on Fri and Sun 11-2) but I have managed to convince a few poor sods up here to come see it on opening night with me. There will be much squeeing and general girlishness. (on a side note, mozilla is telling me that 'squeeing' is not a word, but 'girlishness' is...)
This week there are three big things happening. I have two midterm exams (which suck) buuuuuuuuuuuut I'm getting my new tattoo on Wednesday. Which I am stoked for. Though the nice man at the tattoo shop informed me that when I wanted it on my foot was pretty much the most painful spot on said foot that it could go. Nevertheless, I try to remain optimistic.
Anything exciting happening with you two?
general stuff