(Cross-posted to
All right, I've decided to break down and do this thing out an overwhelming desire to go with the in-crowd and be popular. That said, here's my format (stolen from many and varied):
1). You select one of my PCs (Abaddon in the Awakening Venue or Cynric St. George in the Requiem Venue) and one of your PCs (who must be from the same Venue as the PC of mine that you've selected, and must be a reasonable fit for the character in question.)
2). You select a song. If I don't have it and/or know it, then I'll probably ask you for it.
3). You select a level of public consumption/work-safe-ness/what-have-you.
4). You select a choice from among "What is," "What was," "What might have been," or "What might yet be."
I will then attempt to write a fiction involving the two chosen PCs, within the selected parameters, at some point in the future. I don't promise that I'll get one done for everyone that requests one, however, and will probably just work with those ideas that strike amusing chords in the warped recesses of my mind.
In exchange for your request (regardless of whether or not I get around to writing a fiction), I retain the right to request of you in turn a fiction involving the same two characters, using the guidelines above. I won't be devastated if your time, inspiration and/or interest don't permit you to write such a story, though.