Dec 16, 2005 02:33
Hark! For ye all are Doomed! Cursed to Walk the Land in a State of Perpetual Gloom. Blinded by the Obligations to Civilization & Restraints cast apon Society by the Police State of our Government. Free to Toil away until ye are Feebleminded & Useless or yer Back Gives out. Running Nilly Willy like a Firefly until the Flame which is yer Spirit Burns out. Never Stopping & Taking the Time to Contemplate the Sound of a Zephyr in a Hurricane. With Hearts so Cold as to make a Winter Storm seem like a Stroll through Hell. Unlock yer Minds by Finding the Key to Achieving Enlightenment through Accepting Certain Ideas Difinatively. When yer Journey is Complete, Dwell not on all ye have Done, but on what ye have Accomplished. Remember so as to not make the same Mistakes Twice, the First Time was Bad Enough. And Don't Ferget, Always Reload. peace~ Cynos Du'ath