And She Wonders Why

Aug 06, 2008 10:32

 I'm very happy today that Mark Shauer beat out Sharon Renier in the primary and will be facing off against our republican incumbant for U.S. representative to congress in the fall.  Here's what Sharon Renier had to say in today's paper:

"'It would have been nice if more people would have turned out other than Calhoun County,'' said Renier, a Munith organic farmer, referring to her opponent's home county.  'I believe people are sheeples and they will go wherever they think the feed is the sweetest. They will stand out in the rain, but they don't realize that the big bad wolf is coming and that's too bad for them.''"

Hmm.... wonder why more people didn't vote for a woman who clearly respects her would-be constituents and makes such clear metaphors.


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