(no subject)

Oct 08, 2006 15:06

half the long weekend's gone... but it's been damn good so far, if i do say so myself :).

after a 2.5 hour trip back home Friday night, i went to meet up with Carl at Town, where we proceeded to go downtown annnd he took me to Yuk Yuk's :D haha it was sooo funny. although we had to leave before the main act was done :( cos we had to make sure i got home on tiiime :P. it was a mission getting back home though lol... fuckin' RT shutting down early *shakes fist* haha but OH WELL at least we got back! & it was a good night :).

yesterday... i watched Benchwarmers at home LOL... what a random movie. after my craptacular fam jam, i went ouuut to Go For Tea with the Charlie's Angels! yay! hahaha. twas good tiiimes. shared some gossip lol... & I FOUND OUT SOME INTERESTING INFORMATION. NOW ACCORDING TO GABRIEN I'M GONNA BE A HO FOREVER. HAHAHA. aw jeez. and guess what! i had lichee green TEA this time, even though it was maybe 11 at night, AND I WAS ACTUALLY ABLE TO FALL ASLEEP AT NIGHT YAYYY. HAHAHA. i don't care if you don't care, cos i care. that's some craziness.

haha anyways... i need to do Spanish homework. later kids.
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