Mar 14, 2009 22:53
My youngest nephew celebrated his 2nd birthday today. I felt so bad; things have been so crazy lately that I totally forgot about buying him a birthday present until 11:00 last night! Luckily, I didn't start work until 10:00 this morning, so I had a chance to stop at Walmart and get him a couple things. He loves to play my piano so I got him a Little Tykes keyboard. He was so cute because he wouldn't do anything until we got that thing out of the package and he immeditately flopped down on the floor to play it.
Just to touch on the the recent work craziness: my co-worker who was diagnosed with colon cancer 4 months ago passed away last week, and at the beginning of this week they laid off the district managers. Things are so emotional and stressful there right now that we're all in a constant state of anxiety. Let's not forget that we all had our pay cut at the beginning of last month, and I'm sure you understand how we're not sure how much longer we'll have jobs.
I so need a new job.
happy birthday