Interview me!

Apr 01, 2009 11:20

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you ANY five questions.
3. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

damanique asked me the following questions:

1. I haven't heard you talk much about paganism/wiccan stuff lately. Are you still involved in that, and if so, how?
Yup I am still involved in that :) It is just that the course we took is finished and since we cant afford to take a new course or go to festivities anymore, I dont have that much to tell. We do however try to set up or won spiritual days about once a month. The last one was cancelled because I had to go to the hospitak the evening before :(
We do still go to the pegan pub but also not last time because of the previous named reason.

2. You've been going through some tough times the past year. What has helped you cope the most? (Aside from Mark ;))
I dont really know. I just did. I just went on because it was expected of me. I couldnt stay away from work for months even though I would have liked to. Now I think I am paying the price because in fact I didnt cope with it at all. I just tried to live my life. But I couldnt do my job anymore in the end.
Now I think being fired was the best thing that could have happend to me, because I now have the time to deal with everything that has happend. I am not nearly ready to get back to work. And this time I wont let anyone rush me. I do it my way.
This time I am going to do it right and take all the time I need to fix things to give me a better quality of life.

3. If you could do over any day from the past (to fix something or because it was a great day), which one would it be, and why?
I remember the last time I saw my dad. It was thursday evening and he was very ill. He said he had a stomach flu and that it would get better. I believed that because I know what hell stomach flu's can be and that you surely can feel like you are dying.
I asked my dad if I should call a doctor, but he told me not to so I didnt. I wish I could go back in time so I could have just called one anyway even though he didnt want to. That thought crosses my mind almost everyday. And I still blame myself for it.

4. You're a vegetarian. Would you eat meat if someone paid you a lot of money to do so?
Unfortunenatly I have to say yes. I know, I am a horrible person, right?! But Mark and I could really use a large sum of money because weddings are expensive. I would only do it once though. I wont let them pay me to eat meat for the rest of my life.
I do get sick to my stomach when I think of it though ;)

5. What's the weirdest piece of clothing you've ever worn?
Hmmm.... well cosplay would be considered weird to most people but not to me. Even as LARP clothes.
I would say the weirdest thing for ME would be high heels. I can seriously not imagne that people want to walk on those voluntary. They are pure torture.


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