Apr 13, 2007 15:55
Yup, I'm one of those ;) Comfort eating too. But this is a more urgent matter for me. I eat when I'm bored. So all I have to do is preventing being bored, right?
So each time I'm bored and I feel the urge of eating stuff because of it, I'm going to do something from my list.
Short activities
- Walk with my dog
- Play DDR
- Play a bit of singstar
- Make an icon
- Meditate
- Put on good music and dance to it!
- Write a blog entry
- Practice yoga
- Find an interesting article to read or read peoples blogs
- Do some work for Ovarion
- Practice wicca exercises like grounding, visualisation and so on
- Take a walk and make random pictures on the way
- Cuddle with Mark or pets if Mark isnt around
- Brush teeth
- Write for Ring of Ice community
- Search for tutorials on icon making and practice!
- Search for low Calorie recipes
Longer activities
- Read a book / manga
- Watch an anime episode
- Play a video game
- Make a drawing
- Play FFXI online
- Do work for school
- Take a nap
If you have anymore suggestions, please let me know!
my weight