"Love Notes" finished!

Nov 08, 2005 21:58

Finally! LOL Here is my latest painting...

"Love Notes" is my fantasy self-portrait entry for FAE's art show and a pretty personal piece to me as well. She was inspired by a guy I had hoped to date, but things just didn't work out. (Good thing I didn't find that out until I was halfway done with the painting already...*wry grin*) He was a musican and very impressed by the fact that I had a harp. If only I knew how to play it! LOL Well, my fantasy-self does...^_~ And she has long beautiful hair which I will never have. *lol*

I keep looking at her and seeing little things I want to fix, but for tonight, she's done. I'll go back over her tomorrow and work on the detailing in a couple of places now that she's been scanned and I can see on the screen areas she's lacking. But right now? I'm going to bed! ^_^

love notes

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