Jan 27, 2011 20:43
It was a LONG day despite being a short one. I had a 4 pm appointment with H&R Block to do the taxes, but as you know I am sans car. So I took the bus from school to Chinatown Station, then rode all the way to Sierra Madre Station, which is the end of the line for the Gold Line and yet still a bit far from Sears. But the stop I needed for the bus was right in the parking structure-- only the wait was forEVER-- and I still got the "wrong" bus (ie, there was one that would have taken me a bit further). Still, I got to Sears five minutes early, and was done with the taxes in very short time!
I wait for the bus, one comes (another poor choice-- it went TOTALLY out of my way and didn't come anywhere near the Gold Line), and so I ride until I get to my main street I need, where I hurriedly bolt out, across the street, and onto the bus that takes me pretty much directly home!
And as I enter the apt I realize that I have LOST the envelope with all the tax info in it, including my address and SSN!!!!!!
And naturally, the Metro offices are closed.
But they had a live chat they were beta-ing, so I desperately tried that-- and they answered, but unfortunately they were having trouble contacting the driver. They said his bus returned to the El Monte Station at 6:30, so they'd call by 7.
MEANWHILE-- I kept thinking "did I have it on the bus or not?" So Jessica and I took a rather risky car ride (she's not registered yet) back to Sears and the bus stop, where I found the envelope still sitting on the BENCH!!!!!
I'd gotten on that bus around 4:30 or so, and gotten home around 5:20 maybe-- and it was 6:15 or 20 when we got to Sears. And it was just sitting there.
I need to get down on my knees and thank God that no one found it. And I called Metro (who had called and left the message that they'd searched the bus front to back but had not found it), and thanked them and praised their chat help to the heavens.
I hope this isn't a sign that I'm getting senile....