Mar 18, 2006 11:43 i know i havent updated in a long time. im sorrrrry..
im really happy right now : )
the spring break trip was just amazing. i was talking to billy one night..and we decided that it seems like no one will ever know us better then the people on the spring break trip, and we'll never get that close to people that easily again. it was insane. i met them one day, and ten days later they knew me better then i know myself. i love it. it was the most amazing week of my life and it really taught me alot abotu myself and my faith. i think it was the renewal i needed, and i want to start over. as a christian becuase i WANT to be, nto because i have to be. billy and i went bible shopping the other day. i want to get a new one, to kind of show this turning point in my life. when i decided that I wanted to live for God, not because my parents were telling me too. i love it. i havnet found the perfect one yet...but i will. in time.
in addition to that, i think the trip taught me so much about christian community, a term that i have heard a million times throughout my life, btu never really gave much thought to. now i understand. growing up in a christian community didnt require me to think about it, but now, being in a public place nad having to keep my faith, ive realized how important it is. on the trip i was constantly surrounded by christians, and do you know what? there was no drama, no fights, no swearing, no harsh words, no hate. not to say we were perfect, but we were all there to glorify God, and to make friends, and to just BE a community, so no one WANTED to do all those unfortunate things. i just loved it, and i want to keep it alive. therefore i sort of have been.
wednesday i hung out with aaron ruby, steve, derik, and billy, and yesterday i hung out with jon schlosser, and me and justin/billy/steve have hung out pretty much every day. last night was so much fun. Justin, Jon, Billy and I went to taco bell and coldstones, then we came back to my room and watched the jacket. Then we talked for awhile, and wanted to watch Donnie Darko but we couldnt find anyone on the floor who had it. So instead we went to rent it at 12:30 am and JUST made it. hahaha. we watched that, talked some more, then bed. i just love those people. it was so much fun. i love making new friends and having such a good time.
its such a difference when you surround yourslef with people who believe the same as you adn want the best for you and can relate and connect with you on a much deeper level then anyone else can. it may sound cliche or even mean perhaps, but its not! its amazing! i have had countless meaningful conversations with justin about my faith over the past week, and i just met him 2 weeks ago! i love it. : )
on a different note, my family is coming up this weekend and taking me up north with them to snowboard : ) (thye make snow, no worries). they should be here in about 3 hours, so im thrilled. however i DO have a paper to write. its my moms birthday tomorrow so im excited about that. i miss them! i hear my brother got glasses too, so im excited to see him. i got my mom two christian cd's for her birthday also, i hope she likes them.
anyways, i have to eat, shower, do the dishes, pack, and write a 5 page paper in three hours. YIKES!!!
i love you all! : )
"...greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith - of greater worth then gold, which perishes even thogh refined by fire - may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorius joy."