
Mar 05, 2007 00:43

If anyone knows where I can get a copy of Noam Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent, please tell me and I'll give you a hundred hugs and kisses* cos I think it might be central to my Graduation Project. Yeah, I know I linked to Amazon but shipping costs are, as always, a major biatch. And yes, hundred has been italicised just to show you the magnitude of importance of the book. See, there it is again.

*only applicable if you're a major babe :P

Oh yeah, seems like some classes in RI (not sure if it's all) has a funky English assignment thing where you blog about your reflections on current affairs. Coolness. I used to do that. Still remember that MSN conversation with Alphis about Doomsday scenarios and who the US was going to attack next after Afghanistan and I predicted Iraq followed by Iran. And my predictions were true! Well, sorta. They're still wallowing around in Iraq so I guess Iran is kinda delayed. Just call me Nir-stradamus, hehe. Anyhoo, it's a pretty useful thing to do, considering that we're Media students and whatnot so maybe I might do that. If I can actually get around to reading the papers. Sigh.

And I'm fairly surprised that Mrs Nathan is still teaching in RI. Judging by her multiple absences due to being pregnant during my Sec 4 year, I kinda expected her to have 12 children and be living in a shoe by now. Sorry Mrs Nathan! You still rock in my itty bitty heart so don't kill me for what I just said :-D

racing through the city, windows down

assignments suck, wtf life?

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