How to buy clothes that are built to last

Oct 11, 2019 21:23

1. Do you really like the item you have your eye on, as in like it enough that you can see yourself wearing it a year from now? If you’re on the fence, maybe it’s a better idea to pass, even if it’s on sale.

2. Take a close look at the construction. Are the stitches solid and plentiful? Eight stitches per inch is the baseline for most garments. (Unless they’re like us and triple chain stitch all the high-stress areas.) Don’t be shy about tugging on a sleeve or seam, that’s a great test to see if a piece is well-made. The NYT article notes you should check with the construction of patterned fabrics is to see if the pockets square. If a pattern lines up, that’s a good indicator that the apparel maker has prioritized quality construction rather than speed. Please note, however, that due to the technicalities of laying out fabric when cutting, it requires more fabric to square everything on the final garment, so a patterned garment that squares has more fabric waste inherent in its production. It is still a good rule of thumb in checking for quality, but if your ultimate goal is reducing waste, consider buying patterned fabrics that don’t require squaring, or staying with solids.

3. Check the feel of the fabric. This might sound like a no-brainer but if a fabric will be making contact with your skin, it should feel nice to the touch. If you don’t like the way something feels you’ll be a lot less likely to wear it. As you get a feel for it, you can check a fabric’s sturdiness by placing your hand under it

4. Check the contents of the fabric. When we search for fabrics for our garments, this is the most important detail we look for. Our holy trinity is feel, performance, and durability and this is in large part due to the blend of materials in the fabrics. We enhance each aspect with the garment design but like ingredients in the kitchen, without a good fabric to begin with, we can’t make the best possible garment.

5. Is it easy to care for and repairable? Check the care instructions. Garments that can be washed cold and air-dried will generally last a long time. Examine any zippers and buttons to make sure they’re easily repairable or replaceable down the road. Did you know we often have the trims necessary to repair our garments? If a button ever falls off or if a zipper breaks, contact us and we are happy to send a replacement!

6. Is it versatile? Think about what you’ll be using the garment for and try to add a couple more uses. Also, will you be able to wear it for years to come? Or does the garment have a new and very fashionable style that will soon become dated?

We hope you find these tips to be useful and that you will put them to use the next time you shop for clothing. If we can all be a little extra mindful of our purchases, that can go a long way towards helping to reduce waste.

clothes, одежда

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