Oct 23, 2007 03:16
I think I'm obligated to do this, despite my pathetically short friend list. I'm working on it, though. So I'll just have to work this back in sometime in the future... or something.
okay, my first meme on lj
This is how this works:
1. Leave a comment to this entry saying you want 5.
2. I'll ask you five questions in response, so that I'll get to know you better.
3. Answer my questions at your personal LJ.
4. Keep the thing going by explaining the rules, asking and answering.
five questions for me:
1.) The simple thing - what's your name and where you from?
Jamie Giffin. But I'm growing to dislike my name more and more. I'm in the process of getting all of my friends to call me "James" or "J.D." (which really is my middle initial and I like it because of the links to both Salinger and the protagonist of "Scrubs")
Also, calling me "James" is just as legitimate as "JD" since I went to 9 years of Catholic school, and when I went through the sacrament of confirmation, I had to choose a Confirmation Name. I chose "James to spite my parents. so my Full name is Jamie Donald James Giffin.
I'm from Crown Point, IN. Notable for being the town where John Dillinger was imprisoned and was able to escape with a freakin' bar of soap. Also, If I'm not mistaken, Ronald Reagan was married at the Courthouse in the center of town. I guess back then C.P. was some sort of marriage haven. In any case, we're proud of neither.
2.) If you could suddenly find out that one work of fiction was actually true, what book would you select?
God, that's a tough one. A lot of good fiction would really have no impact on the real world. I mean who gives a shit if Holden Caulfield was a "real boy"? And if Frankenstein's monster was a real boy, that would probably be a bad thing.
I'm going to go with "the Time Machine" by H.G. Wells. There are only a couple things in my life I regret, but boy-o would I like to go back and change them.
Also, the lj friend that asked me these friends is a comic-book fan, so I think this was just a trick question to see if I would geek-out and go off into some long diatribe about how I'd like to be put into the Weapon-X program to get adamantium laced to my skeletal structure and three razor-sharp claws implanted into my ha... ... ... oh dear. Now you've gone and done it. ... I'm sticking with "The Time Machine," though. Wolverine be damned.
3.) What sort of gestures of friendship mean the most to you? (i.e. emailing to say "hey", a phone call to do the same, buying you lunch, helping you hide the body, etc.)
It's not required very often, but just hanging out and doing nothing when I'm in a crappy mood always seems like a good "friend" thing.
4.) I see that you're an English major. What's your biggest pet peeve as far as something other people say incorrectly? (i.e. one particular word, bad grammar, etc.)
Other people "say"? Recently the prevalence of "addicting" has bothered me. The word is "addictive".
But what really bothers me is more of a written thing. If I see someone mix-up there, their, or they're, or if they can't discern your from you're, I flip. Every time I see it I want to tear my hair out and scream.
5.) Put together the ultimate 5 piece band with any musician, alive or dead, that you'd like to see. (singer, lead guitar, rhythm guitar, bass and drums) I'll also give you a piano/keyboard/organ player if you wish to use that one. No more than 6.
I'll go from easiest choice to toughest.
Drums: Keith Moon - The Who. No contest. The guy is insane and has a five-bajillion piece drum set. It's not human.
Bass: Roger Waters - Pink Floyd. I'm sorry, but Syd Barrett is an asshole. Waters is hands down the most influential part of arguably the greatest classic-rock band ever. Guys like John Entwhistle of The Who or Paul McCartney of The Beatles probably get more nods on "greatest bassists" lists, but this isn't about a bass-off. It's about forming a turbo-ultimate-behemoth band. fyi: John Entwhistle of The Who is a close second.
Rhythm Guitar: Eric Clapton. I don't know if there is really such a thing as a legendary rhythm guitarist, so I'm just going with the two (in my eyes) greatest guitarists ever.
Lead Guitar: Bob Dylan. I've chosen Clapton and Dylan because, frankly, I think there's more to guitar than being a virtuoso. Sure Hendrix could do some wild shit with his axe but he's really not much of a song-WRITER. Dylan and Clapton may have had simpler songs but they played that shit with every ounce of their heart and soul
Vox: Morrissey. This was a tough one but Moz is the only guy I can think of whose vocals STAND OUT so freakin' much. And Morrissey singing in front of the aforementioned gives me funny feelings that defy heterosexuality. Roger Daltrey came DAMN CLOSE to taking this. the guy can really wail to a point that makes you shudder. John Lennon was close because he's John-fucking-Lennon. Similar to Dylan in the aspect that his vox weren't necessarily the most technically amazing thing in the world but he put enough emotion into his songs to make the manliest man want to cry. Freddy Mercury and David Bowie came damn close too. Probably the only guys who can challenge Morrissey for pure noticability (I'm pretty sure that is not a word). and Jeff Buckley is another honorable-mention who, like Lennon sings with immense. emotion
Wildcard: Rob Kleiner - Tubring on Keyboards. A local Avant-Garde punk band with a crazy keyboardist. He launches off of his keyboard stand at shows and comes down pounding the keys. Often ends up bleeeding. He'd probably crumble next to the big boys, though.
(and I know this is cheating) The cast of Arcade Fire. There's like 12 of them and they're all amazing. If one was to add stings and brass to the above band, the Arcade Fire is the only way to go. Can't I just count AF's ensemble as jus 1 person so I don't go over my 6?
And for extra credit:
6.) Who'd win in a fight, Ditka or God?
HA! Trick question! Ditka IS God!