September SC

Sep 11, 2010 03:19

I chose the prompt "Odysseus" because it brought me back to my high school English class. Odysseus, star of the Odyssey and the Iliad, was a Greek king who fought in the Trojan War and had fabulous adventures on his way home after the war ended. It took him ten years, and he eventually comes home to dudes trying to sleep with his wife. At least his dog waited for him.

Oliver, like Odysseus, is trying to get home. His passport and wallet were stolen, and now the entire Stronza City Police Department believes he is the prime suspect of a crime he didn't commit. He can barely speak the language, and nobody believes his story because he is a foreigner. Oliver is sick and tired of running and decides to stick around Stronza to dig around for clues to solve the murder and clear his name.

The second and last prompt I chose was "Menelaos", or "Menelaus" (thank you, Wikipedia). Along with my last post of "Odysseus", Menelaus is also a character in the Iliad and in the Odyssey. Menelaus, king of Sparta, was the husband of Helen. Helen, as you may know, was the Megan Fox of Ancient Greece. Prince Paris (Orlando Bloom in the movie) was a Trojan prince who was given the gift of love by the most beautiful woman on Earth by the goddess Aphrodite. That meant that Paris had to raid Menelaus' house to whisk away Helen. Menelaus and his broskis (Odysseus, Menesthus, Ajax, Patroclus, etc.) went to get her back, thus starting the Trojan War. I loved this challenge because even as a Literature major, I'm surprised that I can remember these things after years.

This is Gwenyth, youngest child of the CEO of a multinational conglomerate based in Stronza. Raised on a steady diet of discipline and control, she doesn't particularly enjoy when things aren't perfect or don't go her way. Gwen, like Menelaus, is just trying to get her beloved (boyfriend, in this case) back from the clutches of a younger rival. Just like how Odysseus and Menelaus had a serious bromance in the Iliad and the Odyssey, Gwen decides to help find the person trying to frame Oliver if he helps her get her man back.

I'm not quite done with this room yet, but it's the scene of said crime. It's inhabited by junkies who constantly have people over in various states of undress. Empty bottles, cardboard boxes full of stolen goods, and garbage litter the room, and nobody really cares to clean anything up.


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