Zoo picspam

May 02, 2006 14:52

Went to the zoo a couple of weeks ago, and took my new(-ish) camera, a Fuji S5500, nice little low-end digiSLR. I'm not much of a photographer, but I'm pretty happy with how these turned out. Levels corrected and shrunk to 25%, but otherwise untouched:

(Warning - pic-heavy post under the cut)

A Currawong I ran into in the botanical gardens on my way to the zoo:

Grizzly Bear:

Having a shake:

Some kind of deer, in the Asia exhibit:

Snow Leopard. The zoo has two cubs at the moment, but they didn't make an appearance:

Meerkats. Officially some of the cutest thing EVER:

Barn Owl:

Some kind of pigeon, again from the Asia exhibit:

Male Tiger:

On a Beanie note - I'll be updating the icons and wallpapers post in a few minutes, to add some new icons I've got laying around, and to pimp some of the groovy ones made by other LJ folks *luffs them*. I've been very slack with it so far *cringe* I was planning to go play my shiny new copy of Fight Club on the PS2 this afternoon, but the damn thing is demanding a shinier controller before it'll do anything *sulk* Gorramit! We got the console for free (used to belong to a friend, their kid broke it so they bought a new one, and gave the old one to my dad, who fixed it in about 20mins), now we have to fork out for accessories? *grumblesulk*

real life

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