Feb 17, 2011 18:43
Oh jeez, I hate to blame my problems on someone or something else. However, I just gotta vent why I hate my case worker. I hate her with a fiery passion of doom. One, they sent me a letter indicating I needed to do a telephone interview on the tenth. She didn't call that day, I called her and left a message.
She called back same day, but I wasn't available. She left a pissy message indicating I shouldn't have been waiting for her call. What? Anyway, we eventually talk on the eleventh. I'm already stressed to the nines with my real life and she was downright evil to me. Evil enough that I really should make a recipient right's complaint, but I don't even have it in me to do that.
However, by the time the panic attack I had on the phone with her was over, I was under the impression that everything was going to be ok. So, I let it all slide. I probably shouldn't. Anyway, just yesterday I get a whole boat load of bs in the mail. One of wich was the exact same notice of my interview for the tenth. Dated sent out on the fifteenth. Great. Then, there was another letter indicating that I missed my telephone interview and that everything was going to be cut off. WTF? FML.
It's bad enough that this lady's attitude and consideration for the people she provides services for is not important to her. She doesn't know or care to...based on our last convo...why I need these services to stay on my meds as it is. I'm already in a bad place. Then, they go and talk about cutting my services off altogether like I did something wrong. I'm sorry lady, that I sent you too much info and that you didn't want to talk to me the day that we had a scheduled interview and you want to blame me for your not doing your job.
I'm sorry that I failed you, but you failed me and used your powers for evil! I hate you, you bitch. I hope you never need something as bad as I need my services to stay where they are. I'm eligible for them, I did nothing to get them denied, save for whatever cuts may be coming just because they are inevitable. But, yeah, I did nothing to deserve being belittled the way she did on the phone...let alone being sent 3 pieces of arguing information...none of which telling me what she did by the end of the call...that it was going to be ok. Fucking sigh. It certainly won't be ok when my meds send me even further down the drain and I show up at her office with...oh who am I kidding...I won't do shit. Not like that, anyway.
I probably need to be hospitalized...