bye bye world. hello homework.

Feb 08, 2006 21:36

im starting to think no one reads this again so why post.

with nanna gone, it's time i headed back for so much work. today was the second test i should be having and all tested on the past week's work since i wasnt around. i was only 2 days into school when i had to come back. not to mention, i have work on saturday morning, but i plan to work till noon, so that leaves me hours on end through till sunday morning to catch up on everything. not that it's possible, we're talking about a week's work here but i'm going to try. i have to, i have no choice. the more thing, friday's I/H swimming, so no school. then in March with pupil free days off, it's Hong Kong for me! ah!! GOT. TO. LOVE. AUSTRALIA.

i think the two months break i had made me grow so very attached to singapore. when i was back there my heart just wasnt there at all. i need to learn to temporarily let go. my mind needs to focus. I have A levels, i need to get some sort of perspective and get into a good uni. no parent wants to see their child fail! being the blueys in school is a good feeling. it's amazing how you stand out in a blue jumper and the power it brings. did you know some kids LET you cut queue just cos your the oldest now? in line, they part a passage for you like how moses parted the sea! not to mention, common room in school AND boarding. the exclusiveness of your own area, stereo, sofas, punching bags, cooking area, dvd player, new stereos in boarding. my oh my!

what sucks is that everyday's a double lesson for whatever subject. so far all the teachers say we can bring cake in for doubles. but really, do i REALLY want to sit in for a double in business management? or english for that matter?

SO TODAY... I was supposed to meet up with Had for coffee since we wanted to do some catching up but that clearly didnt happen when i had to go to aunt's for dinner and he had to put in the extra hours at work. better luck next time. Instead, germ followed me to meet with Sean to pass something to another person and then swoon over bags and other shopping. DKNY is on 50% sale btw! temptation did set in but i didnt buy the bag. I've spent really too much if i honestly told you what i've bought already. To think i was so happy with my saving plan. -_-"
Nicole flew down and i bumped into her, we were thinking of hittin Indochine later cos the band's playing but guess that's not gonna happen, i do have a flight at 9am later. But it's great to see my cousin in singapore. I sat at coffee bean and was just thinking to myself, is that nic? am i in singapore or perth? LOL. Oh crashed into Rodelle today too. And the sweet girl offered me hugs, condolences etc and at least now i know i have someone to text when im over there since she's flying back to Melb next week.

So yes, that's my massssssivee update in case i never surface from homework overload. I WILL work hard and party so fucking hard when i get back cos it's my birthday. Hmmm anywho, let's see, birthday wishes.
√ UWA entrance
√ House for next year
√ A car to go with that heehee
√ More shoes
√ More patience
√ Chanel Allure Sensualle
NAH fuck this list, i'll post this up when i get the time so i can actually cross it out cos those are things that i won't be getting anytime soon, and besides, it's not a gift, rent will be paid by me, who we kidding here.
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