So I did that participating in fandom thing again. I think I may be able to ease into it. I don't actually remember where I heard about
phoenix_gate, but they have this really cool kind of fic/art/icon/vid-athon where everyone submits prompts, and the whole thing is about the secondary and/or killed-off characters. Which is pretty much just perfect for me considering my bad luck in only liking the little guys...
So I submitted a few prompts, mostly about Emerson and the X-303 crews, and someone claimed my favourite Emerson prompt and I'm very excited to see what she writes. I also decided, a few days into it, to claim something as well, but I kinda cheaped out and went with the noncommittal choice of icons. But they're for Colonel Chekhov (one of my prompts, so a double cheat), and I tried to do him justice.
Here's a sample:
And the rest are posted at
(also, 100th post, ohemgee!)