Title: Never Let Your Lungs Tell You That You Can't
Fandom: NCIS
Characters: Tony/Tim
Prompt: 54. Air
Word Count: 388
Rating: T
Summary: Tony is being friendly. Helpful? Probably not.
Author's Notes: Unbeta'd.
LDT.Disclaimer: I don’t own NCIS, and don’t make any money from this. But if McGee, Tony or Gibbs want to haul me in for questioning, I wouldn’t mind.
posted at FF100.
The only thing keeping Tim in his chair was Tony. More specifically, Tony's hands. His strong, skilful hands.
Tim caught himself, and focused his eyes as securely on his computer screen as possible, straining to keep his expression neutral, aloof, confident and slightly annoyed all at the same time. This unusual combination would have been difficult at the best of times, but now, with Tony standing directly behind him, massaging Tim's shoulders expertly, the best Tim could manage was most easily recognizable as complete and utter shock.
The unwarranted and unprovoked shoulder rub had begun no more than fifteen seconds ago, when, after dealing with a particularly redundant and pompous file retrieval request form, Tim had slammed the 'enter' key on his keyboard noticeably hard. The resounding click had prompted Tony to jump up from his desk in an accurate and almost practiced meerkat impression, and in four short strides he was standing behind Tim's chair, hands on Tim's shoulders.
"Just stay calm now," Tony had warned, in the jokingly patronizing tone he often used with Tim. And then, as if the tension and frustration caused by his computer had welled up in Tim's shoulders and needed to be exorcised, pronto, Tony began to rub. Vigorously.
Across the bullpen Ziva met Tim's dazed and confused gaze, a glint in her eye and a small smirk on her face.
Tim's mind, thrown back into gear by the suspiciously amused look on Ziva's face, raced into paranoid action, and the first lucid thought to penetrate his conscious mind was: Are we having a mental threesome right now and I just don't know it?
A wave of horror at his own imagination washed over him, and Tim immediately locked that thought into the Things To Never Ever Think About Again category, but his mind skidded right back into the gutter as soon as Tony leaned down. His hands stilled on Tim's shoulders, and he breathed in Tim's ear, "You need to relax more, McGee. Just stay calm, and remember to breathe."
Tim did the best that he could.