some writing assighments i'm posting to make sure i don't lose them

Sep 04, 2007 02:06

Type your cut contents here.PARTY GUY BIO PREMISE ROUGH
Danny is a 21 year old Senior at St. Mary's University.  He firmly believes that he is the incarnation of average He is average height and weight. His SAT score was the exact average of the other two hundred and thirty-three students.  He hated being so average in high school, but got over it his freshman year of college.  THe excitment of somehing new seemed to dull the sense of average, but it was starting to creep up on him again.

In college, it wasn't so much the fact that he was so average.  He grew into his individual averageness.  WHat bothered him most was that he didn't seem to have any great friends.  No one really considered him their hands down best friend.  He wouldn't stand for it.  He needed something, anything, to set him a apart, maybe that would really spark something in someone to really appreciate him.

"Invite your friends...invite your friend's friends" became his mantra over the first week of classes.  It seemed to really work in the begining.  He would have people he had seen traveling the many pathways around campus come up to him and ask "Are you the guy with the party?", and for the first time in his most recent history, he didn't feel average.  He felt the sweet sensation that everyone else around him seemed to experience on a daily basis; being special.  He wasn't the average guy.  He wwasn't the guy who just blended in.  He had an identity that grew out past his small circle of friends.  He became the guy with the party.

BYOB.  Bring your own booze.  Thats what travelled through the grapvine, but he still wanted to have a little something to throw a little extra social lubricant.  A bottle of this.  A couple of eighteen packs of that.  Just enough to make sure that he, and a few select people of his chosing had enough to drink for a memorable experience.  He didn't want to go overboard, because the whole point of the event was to be remember, and its hard to be remembered if everyone blacked out.  Just enough.

Not everyone else had the same mindset, but the party didn't get too out of hand.  BYOB, and they did.  FOrty people, and almost each of them had atleast a six-pack.  Some of the more eager participents of the swaree brough handles of their favorite brand, but none of the bottles were more than half full when they entered the door to Danny's apartment.

It was a good time.  Nothing too crazy happened, and everyone had a good time.  Danny heard the praises of many people he had met fr the first time.  THey knew his name atleast, which made him smile.  People knew Danny.  He was the party guy.  As Danny began to pick up the many bottles and cans that littered the lonely apartment he smiled.


Danny is a 21 year old Senior at St. Mary's University.  He firmly believes that he is the incarnation of average He is average height and weight. His SAT score was the exact average of the other two hundred and thirty-three students.  He hated being so average in high school, but got over it his freshman year of college.  THe excitment of somehing new seemed to dull the sense of average, but it was starting to creep up on him again.

In college, it wasn't so much the fact that he was so average.  He grew into his individual averageness.  WHat bothered him most was that he didn't seem to have any great friends.  No one really considered him their hands down best friend.  He wouldn't stand for it.  He needed something, anything, to set him a apart, maybe that would really spark something in someone to really appreciate him.

"Invite your friends...invite your friend's friends" became his mantra over the first week of classes.  It seemed to really work in the begining.  He would have people he had seen traveling the many pathways around campus come up to him and ask "Are you the guy with the party?", and for the first time in his most recent history, he didn't feel average.  He felt the sweet sensation that everyone else around him seemed to experience on a daily basis; being special.  He wasn't the average guy.  He wwasn't the guy who just blended in.  He had an identity that grew out past his small circle of friends.  He became the guy with the party.

BYOB.  Bring your own booze.  Thats what travelled through the grapvine, but he still wanted to have a little something to throw a little extra social lubricant.  A bottle of this.  A couple of eighteen packs of that.  Just enough to make sure that he, and a few select people of his chosing had enough to drink for a memorable experience.  He didn't want to go overboard, because the whole point of the event was to be remember, and its hard to be remembered if everyone blacked out.  Just enough.

Not everyone else had the same mindset, but the party didn't get too out of hand.  BYOB, and they did.  FOrty people, and almost each of them had atleast a six-pack.  Some of the more eager participents of the swaree brough handles of their favorite brand, but none of the bottles were more than half full when they entered the door to Danny's apartment.

It was a good time.  Nothing too crazy happened, and everyone had a good time.  Danny heard the praises of many people he had met fr the first time.  THey knew his name atleast, which made him smile.  People knew Danny.  He was the party guy.  As Danny began to pick up the many bottles and cans that littered the lonely apartment he smiled.

Character Bio

Her name is Angels Feliciano.  She is thirteen years old, and lives in New Jearsy.  She is a little but larger than the other girls in her class, or even boys for that matter.  Her doctor says that she is a couple pounds over weight,and her mother constantl reminds her of that fact.  Her mom is only trying to look out for her, but that fact is missed on the teenager.  She takes refuge from her obsessive mother, and spacy father in her music. If you have to ask her what her favorite movie or tv show is, she might give you a prolonged shy response, but in the way that a root canal is slow and has a slight pinch to it.  When asked about her taste in music, there is a slight glow in her brown eyes as the word "Hanson" emerges from inside her; a small gift from her to the world, as far as she is concerned.  She is a disciple of Hanson.  Her parents raised her Catholic, but her universe revolves completly around the three young anointed one's with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a curiously high vocal range.  She dreams about the day she can one day meet them.

Angels has a sense of humor that might be characterized as self-depricating.  She really knows how to crack a joke if she's the punchline, but is too afraid to really let anyone to really get to know her.  She has a couple of friends at school, but she is still teased from time to time by some of the boys.  The other girls just exclude her, but are still nice for the most part.

She has an older sister, Gloria, who is just about the finish college, and does her best to keep her little sister happy.  Gloria realizes their mother is a little crazy, and does her best to keep her little sister sain in some of the most tramatic times in a person's life.  ANgels loves her older sister, and her apprciation of her obsession with her music, even if Gloria doesn't appreciate the music itself.  ANgles may put on am apathetic face sometimes, but deep down she loves her sister for trying to understand her.

Kalem Gutierrez


A movie that depicts the lonely aftermath of such a social event like a party.

Premise 2

A short that depicts the nervous jitters of a young man at a school dance who is romantically interested in someone that he isn't supposed to have interest in.


Sam shines in the dark as he walks through the sporatically lit park. he confident swagger melts away into a giddy trot with each step he takes, until he finally bursts into dance with an available streetlight in an effort to relive the night.  As he dips his metalic dance partner he jumps at the realization that he isn't alone.  He frantically leans against  the streetlight.  A deep and caring laugh comes from the sillouette, cracking a smile on Sam's face that doesn't completly hide his embarrisment.

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