[voice post]

Sep 11, 2007 07:43


[heavy breathing]

Shaoran, Sakura, Tomoyo! Where are you?


[someone bumping against meilin, the communicator falls and seems to even slide for a bit]

(soft, far away) Where is it..?

[the communicator is picked up]

...I've looked everywhere, but I might have missed you in this thick fog. Please contact me if you're all okay.



Lily? Are you in our room? Stay inside the bedroom, okay? I think something's definitely wrong with this thick mist. I'm going to come for you as soon as I find my friends. Don't open the door to anyone, even your big brothers, alright?


Meilin reads Lily's response to her response to the girl's journal entry.



Shaoran, Sakura, Tomoyo! I need to go back to my room!

[sound of a door opening(Nyi). door closes. it becomes a lot more quiet.]

[running again]

I'm sorry! Please contact me if you're all alright or if you get into trouble!

Meilin forgets to turn off the communicator.

[more running. another door being opened(Nyi-Epta).]



Lily? Can you hear me? It's me, Meilin. Open up, ho--

[click. Communicator turns off by itself.]

lily, econtra: aida

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