y so srs?!

Jun 05, 2009 15:14

Ok, let's get the BS out of the way

The Roman d-20 will get you an 18 in charisma EVERY TIME.

And a bit of a Friday Questionnaire from Thefridayfive that relates to my actual post.

1. What do you feel is the most important quality in a close friend? Empathy. A close friend is someone who can empathize with you on all levels. I recently came to terms with this because I have quite a few "friends" who do not empathize and end up making me feel like shit. It reminds me of my talks with Ricky about how those who have similar histories get along better, and while I agree, I think that the ability empathize breaks down that "issue." Mayhaps I am wrong, and those that have gone through hell as a child learned to empathize. Or not.
2. What is the one quality in a stranger you'd just met that would make you want to get to know them better? Kindness. When someone is candidly kind, it shocks me to the core than they don't let social pressures make them into hardened assholes.
3. What do you think is the most important quality in a good leader? The ability to listen. A good leader listens to those who follow him/her, as that is where the true trials and tribulations occur.
4. What is the one thing that makes a child likable to you? I actually love the timid children. When I taught grammar school, the students that caught my attention the most were the timid ones that were hidden in a shell.
5. What do you think is the one thing that makes a good parent (other than loving their children)? The knowledge that they don't know always "what is best for their child." I am not saying that the parents won't always have good intentions, but the best parents know that those good intentions don't mean shit if they don't know what to do. How do those parents use that? They remain up-to-date on modern parenting techniques and they strive to understand the changes a child goes through mentally, physically, and socially as most forget.


Why, yes there is.

I went on a date last night. An amazing, I-won't-forget-this-for-the-rest-of-my-life date. I have developed a friendship over the past month with S that will go no further than good friends despite the obvious chemistry as he will be moving to California soon. I am not sure what prompted the date, though I think a bit had to do with me telling woeful stories of D and B and their inherent disrespect for me (One sentence on that: Those two didn't really know they were hurting me so badly and were never truly compatible as partners to begin with -- lesson learned). He told me to dress "nice" with a coy grin. He was so adorable about it that I did not correct his grammar (despite being a well spoken and read individual).

Of course I did and did not take a single picture, which is a shame since I looked amazing. Quick description: Black, high-waisted satin "poofy" skirt that tightened at the bottom and came to 3-4 inches above my knees (I'm 5'9" remember, so there's more legs to go!), tucked in an oversized thin, long-sleeved cream shirt with petite, mini ruffles along the neck, along both sides of the button-down shirt, and the wrists, and slightly cream heels (weren't the perfect shoe, but wutevs). S showed up at my door at 7 p.m. with three white roses and a big smile on his face. I tossed them into a vase, and asked if I could take a few more moments getting ready since I wasn't fully prepared to head out. He sweetly said yes. I focus on his kindness, because he is so understanding, patient, and calm. S doesn't sweat the small stuff, which is a pleasure for my worry-wart ass to be around.

We went to Sugas, a local nice restaurant with fancy prices, though we both admitted that it was slightly overpriced for the quality of food... But this is Beaumont, heh. Being unable to truly decide and mentioning this early on while perusing the menu, S asks if I would like him "to order for me." I smile, excited to finally have someone make the offer, and accept. See, my grandmother told me about how gentlemen did this for her all the time when she was younger, and I have always wanted someone to be like that in the same respect. We got our wine (he knows wine well enough to choose an amazing glass), our appetizer (fried green tomatoes with some crabby meats somewhere), and our meal (I was careful about how much I ate since I had eaten fatty meats at a company BBQ that day... All of the items were covered in various creme sauces and packed in fat.)

Throughout all of this was wonderful, intellectual conversation. We left soon after finishing up our meals, and went to Sertinos Cafe (local, mediocre coffee shop) in PA. He got a coffee and I a hot cocoa, all over conversations ranging from our personal lives growing up, past loves who still hold our heart, and our place in the world. We went back to my place, and continued to talk until 1 a.m. to which I had to ask him to leave as we were both falling asleep (me more so than he).

The whole of it was a wonderful feeling of being on an actual date. I was gussied up, looked amazing, was treated like a lady, and got to enjoy some good food. I truly connect to S.

And the thing that both he and Joe are reminding me of is that I am an amazing person that deserves respect, kindness, empathy, and love. I'm gonna wax emo here, but I am quite happy to have those two in my life right now. It's really pulling me out of the doldrums of the Engineer Group that I hang with, as many of them are just this: Nerds with big paychecks finally feeling cool enough to do the things they want, so they act like dicks all around. My friend K who is a part of this group (and is female!) came upon this, told me not to worry, and shared some of herself with me. Knowing that there is someone out there that feels the same way I do is great. To have connected with three in just one month excites me!

So, there it is. Meshell, she is getting stronger. And that is why I am putting on my flip flops and heading to HH with the Engineer Group with a smile on my face. I am no longer afraid of people like that. They can say all the things they want or assume this and that, and it won't phase me. I gots people who love and understand me, and to see three new ones pop up into my life so quickly fills me with such a joy that nothing can get me down.

friday five, boys

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