20 Random Things About Me,
(thanks to
ongelofelijk tagging me)
1. i hate telling other people about myself
2. i love CSI, watching it now
3. i'm going to reno at the end of the month just to see a country concert
4. i type about 30 wpm with just my right hand
5. there is one thing i have done in the past that i still cant let myself get over
6. for the past three years i have wanted to go to new york for christmas, and it will never happen
7. same with going to see the cubs play at wrigley field
8. i wish the show friends didnt have to come to an end
9. i'm always cold
10. i dont know what i'm going to do when i grow up :P
11. i really want an old transformer toy
12. i really love playing super mario bros and tetris on my NES
13. i wish i was left handed
14. i wish i spoke spanish
15. i'm usually in bed by 1030 every night, it's 1 1/2 hours past that now :(
16. i didnt talk when i was in preschool (ages 3-5)
17. one time a teacher spelled my name wrong and i somehow communicated w/her it was wrong
18. tv guilty pleasures are the biggest loser, dawsons creek, cosby show, wedding story
19. i dream of being a party planner and a tax accountant
20. if i could redo high school i would want to, but only if i knew i would still be friends with my current friends and still be in love with rob :)
Dang, that was hard to write....