not quite a year

Jul 18, 2011 11:17

...but close to it.

What to say, what to say. Well. I got a tattoo in February.

And I plan to get another one soon, on the top of that same foot. I originally thought about lines from e.e. cummings's "what is a voyage", but I like "if a cheerfulest Elephantangelchild should sit" a lot more. I was thinking about the last line:
Love only has ever been,is,and will ever be,So

I also got my tragus pierced on my left ear in May, and that was the most painful thing I've ever done in my entire life. Not only did the piercing itself hurt, but it throbbed for about twelve hours after. I don't regret it, but I won't be getting the other one done.

Why is my life so consumed by body mod? Oh dear.

I saw Harry Potter yesterday, and I cried, and then I got made fun of for crying. :[ The Weasleys fucking killed me. I can't handle parents crying over their children. Fucking. Killed. Me. And Alan Rickman was absolutely fabulous as Snape - his death scene made me cringe so bad. I left the theater in a daze, so I'll probably see it again to process everything.

I've started watching Hawaii Five-0, because csi_sanders1129 sucks at life. No, not really. She's fantastic. BUT. H50. Right. I don't even really like the show, but I keep watching it. So, I guess that counts for something. (Plus, the fandom for it is hilarious.)

Speaking of fandom. Hi there, Suits.

piercing, tattoo, poetry

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