I've gotten a bunch of new friends in the past few weeks, and I figured it would be nice to have a little meet-and-greet post. :3 Best way to get to know someone is through a needlessly long questionnaire, right? The form is under the lj-cut. :D
Oh, and. Please do this even if we've been friends for forever.
I get by with a little help from my friends... )
Name: Tam
Age: (you can make something up if you don't wanna share with the INTARWEBS) .. 27 (I'm an old fart, k? My authoritah, respect it.)
Home State: Canberra, A.C.T., Australia. Mate.
Current State: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. G'day.
Favorite Food: Popcornssss
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Five Movies: V for Vendetta, the LOTR trilogy, Fight Club, Mean Girls, TWILIGHT AHAHAHA, jk ... um, what would be number 5? OK the Harry Potter Movies, yay.
Favorite Five Actors/Actresses: Scarlett Johanssen, Emma Watson, Eric Bana, Steve Buscemi, and Hugo Weaving
Favorite Five Books: Mila 18 by Leon Uris, the entire Harry Potter series, Ice Station (and sequels) by Matthew Reilly, Emma by Jane Austen, and God is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens.
Five interesting things about yourself: I have double-jointed toes, my left eye is lazy, my eyes change colour depending on my mood, I can actually draw really well (but I'm a lazy slore), and I am a huge bitch.
Five not interesting things about yourself: I spend too much time on the internets, not currently working (by choice), I'm getting married soon (most people are over hearing about that), I am too obsessed with twatlight and ontd_volterra and I'm a fucking clumsy hoor.
Fanfiction: (Y/N and why) Y, but for the lulz only.
Raptors: Threat or Non-threat? OMG RAPTOR ... *DED*
Zombies: Same Question OMG ZOMBIE, CAN I JOIN YOUR CLUB?
Oooh. I haven't checked twatlight today. I wonder whose dazzle has been chagrined this time.
And, yes, you are more than welcome to join the Happy Boys and Happy Girls Zombie Eradication Brigade (more commonly called the Z.E.B. for short) and assist us in the fight against the swelling hordes of the undead. :D
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