Dec 14, 2005 22:26
Soooo.. Last night I had a pretty shitty night.. so me and Donnie went for a ride and such. I stayed up til' like, 4 so I just didn't go to school today. I wasn't planning on it anyways. Then Dana picked me up after she got off of work and we went to get Kaytee from school. We did what we always do and went to get some food. We went to The Jersey store. I ate sooooo fucking much. The I came home and sat around with Donnie. The people called from Porctor and Gamble and said I got in. Amazing. I was so excited. I really didn't think i was going to get it. Then I went to work..Came home, and here I am.
All my prayers have been answered..
All my dreams have came true.