Mar 12, 2005 12:20
um. last night was so effing fun. katie ballzy brit jeremy ashley jonny eric randle and katie came over. we all hung out. jeremy left. then brit left. then we all went to walmart except for ballzy. we had so much fun. the guys ran away from us. i rode in marks trunk. katie squirted lube on little boys underwear. it was great. we came back and played hide and seek outside for like ever. me katie and ashley where hidden for like 30mins atleast and no one could find us. =) bcuz were that damn good. as eric me katie ashley and jonny where leaving mark showed back up and got to stay yay! eric took all of us except mark and ballzy to kroger to get candy and juicey juice. then he left. and we all partied all night long. tonight theyre all gonna stay again i think. um. and i think im gonna hang out with shaun for a little bit bcuz i miss him oh so much. well thats all for now. <3