Knowledge - experience - judgement

May 13, 2011 17:42

It seems that the role of knowledge and knowledge management is widely misunderstood. People belive that if they find a way to manage knowledge within the origanization and transfer knowledge from superstars to more mediocre colleages it will catapult the organization and its performance to the space. Don't think it works and even can work.

An unscientiific definition of knowledge is a collection of facts and techniques. It is all very good and useful, but these are just tools. Ans as with physical tools, having them is not enough. One needs to know how to use them and, more importantly, know what tool to use for a specific situation or a problem.

This is where judgement kicks in. SOme people have sound judgement natuarally (and usually called business geniuses, etc.). But for all mortals it comes from trials and errors or from experience. You can have a perfect knowlede of the tricks and tactis in a game, say soccer, but unless oyu played they would remain "knowledge" , a collection of facts and techniques.
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