Summer and Winter, Winter and Springtime

May 26, 2004 19:22

I am so excited about Sunday! I seriously cannot wait - five_x_five and foxnewsat11 and I are seeing the Depotts at Club East Coast, in Woodbridge. Awesome! If anyone wants to join us, they should meet us there - I would offer to drive, but all of the seats in my (read: my mom's) car are full. I am taking the liberty of reserving one for Daniel, because I think that all you Reston folk are convinced that he is a myth. You will meet him eventually, I promise! And then Mony will get the thing about us being like Oz and Willow, except he isn't as mellow as Oz. He's actually kind of hyper a lot of the time. This post ended up in a very different place than it started out from. Anyway - off to practice bass!
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