May 08, 2009 00:42
I guess I jumped the gun on the whole Carrie Prejean, Miss California, runner-up to Miss USA, wholehearted defender of "opposite marriage" lambasting. It was only after my last post that we learned she had her bazoombas enhanced on the pageant's dime. And now a site called "The Dirty" has released two semi-nude pics of the beauty contestant in lingerie.
That's right, folks. Miss Christian Role Model, defender of the straight (and narrow), the new conservative darling lied. In her contract with the pageant, she agreed that no photos of her nude or semi-nude existed. Yeah, right, like a tart like that never took her clothes off for the camera. Now the pageant committee (what a fucked up word to spell; double m, double t, double e) is seriously thinking of stripping her of her crown faster than she stripped her clothing for a fortysomething perv who promised her a modeling career when she was seventeen.
And not only did she lie, but she also (gasp!) posed for pictures wearing only a pair of panties. I'm not sure WWJD in such a situation, but I think he definitely would not let someone make a representation of him in only his skivvies. Unless, of course, it's that one of him on the cross wearing only what looks like a giant cloth diaper, but that's beside the point...
My point is, can we just slice through all the bullshit, all the Faux News screaming that this is a deliberate attack on her character to charge her with "youthful indiscretions," and call her the fucking hypocrite she is?
Or does somehow standing up against the malicious gay agenda, of claiming that you're a Christian in this "godless world that is sooooo against traditional values," make you immune to any claims of hypocrisy? Hell, you can get caught in a Denver hotel smoking meth with a gay hooker, go to a two week "cure the gay" camp and be right back in the pulpit. Of course you're immune to hypocrisy claims! Ever contradict yourself or your moral stances, folks? Just claim to love god and hate fags and your name will be cleared faster than Lush Rimjob could down an oxycontin!
Can't we just accept that fact that Republicans, especially the Moral Majority ilk, are nothing but the biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet? The same Elephants who gave a rubber stamp to MadKingGeorge's rampant, irresponsible spending on everything are now fighting with Obama because he's giving out too much money to try and curb the economic crisis? The guy who made a career out of spewing vitriolic bile about locking up drug offenders and throwing away the key on talk radio for two decades was the same one who was doing so under the influence of 30 oxycontins a day. Mark Foley, was one of Congress's foremost opponents of child pornography and served on the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, all while IMing underage pages pictures of his scrotum. Larry Craig made a career of supporting anti-gay legislation, all while getting blown by other men in airport bathrooms.
And this week, on the tagged National Day of Abstinence, the cons chose Bristol Palin to be their spokesperson. Isn't that a little like making Robert Downey, Jr. the spokesperson for the "Just Say No" campaign? Couldn't we have just as easily made Rudolph Hess the spokesperson for the "Jewish Tolerance League?"
Prejean herself issued a statement defending the debacle in which she stated: "These attacks on me and others who speak in defense of traditional marriage are intolerant and offensive. While we may not agree on every issue, we should show respect for others' opinions and not try to silence them through vicious and mean-spirited attacks."
Intolerant? Like keeping a full 10% or more of the population from marrying? Respect? Like spreading lies about homosexuality being "god giving one over to a reprobate mind" instead of simply a condition one is born with? Where is the respect towards gay men and women who simply want equality?
I'm sick and fucking tired of tiptoeing. I'm ready to go with old adage and call a spade a spade. And if anyone needs to be spayed, it's Prejean and those who think like her. Please, please, please do not let fucks like these breed!
Plain and simple, Republicans and those who are on the Christian side of the "culture wars" are hypocrites. And anyone who even for a second questions whether or not same-sex marriage is legit is a bigot. That's all there is to it.
But, I do have to say this much. For all her high-pitched whining and bitching about how marriage should be only between a man and a woman, for all her anti-gay, bigoted rhetoric, upon seeing those two semi-nude pics of Miss Prejean, I was reminded of just why I personally am straight.
See? Hypocrite!