I swear I'll lay off Aiken after this, but I just came across this picture of him:
Is there a Queer Eye for the Gay Guy? I'm not even talking about the pudge on him, either. He's starting to look a lot like that creepy molester uncle...or, more correctly, the creepy bulldyke molester aunt. Put him in flannel and he'd get picked up at a NOW convention faster than you could say "reproductive rights."
It's like the fat kid off The Sandlot combined DNA with that Asian kid off The Temple of Doom. Nevermind that he's the male equivalent of Celine Dion. I have to hate him now too because he only looks remotely human.
Clay, you're killing the gay community. If you're going to proudly proclaim your orientation, at least look the part. Go to the gym, like all gay guys do. And, for fuck's sake, Tom Cruise wouldn't be caught dead with that tie.